thanks for the welcome. i hope to contribute to this endeavor...
BTW, if i am coming across as pedantic - please excuse me - i don't know anything; just trying to catch up quickly...
I cannot say i followed along with all that you said 100%. not even 50%. I think your background in elec is getting me lost in translation or we're coming from 2 different angles...
I know there are 2 different schematics of the VIC, and i know what stages during Stan's development they come from. However, my take on this difference is this: As he was inventing, he first had something crude (which still unexplained worked). The second form of the VIC is my focus, not the first. To this, i believe the WFC "water splitter" (the fuel/spark injector) was just
one of about 6-8 different inentions Stan had for the underlying tech. Either way... to move on to a fuel/spark injector, he had to miniturize his original phenomenon with the VIC. In doing so, i believe he "bettered" the VIC into the 2nd form we see in the drawings (the square air core) and the spherical "modules" of the overall apparatus. "Bettered" may read [turned to solid state] or [restricted amps another way] or who knows. however, i believe he did it - and i believe he must have had a progression.
I would also like to impress that i do not believe in the chokes (as placed/drawn). Well, for these reasons:
1. the two distinct versions of the VIC, Stan drew the chokes differently in at least 4 schematics that i have uncovered.
2. (as Kevin West @ pointed out) Stan used various methods for restricting amps. "Applying Delrin to the cells" Delrin has a dielectric constant of 60Hz @ 73F / 50% RH. [s.meyer delrin reference attached - pg. 3-11] - thanks for your research Kevin!
3. We all know that Volts and Amps are inverse relationship - if you have high volts (10K+ on the cell) don't you already have "restricted" amps (at
the point of view of the VIC)? We've all heard from the vids that he was running 5V @ 2A, but in elec, you know that a point of view is just that; i've yet to hear or see a total consumption of his apparatus (and i do not believe a TV reporter would get it straight either). I think this is a misnomer; not part of the blueprint...
In any event, the FBT (and i urge anyone who does not know about their properties to find out) was inspired by the tesla coil's underpinnings (as was the ignition coil, which is a FBT of sorts)).
I agree the VIC (in either form) is a step-up transformer. and i believe by utilizing a FBT, it is not unlikely to see those kind of voltage gains while "restricting amps" automagically. the FBT is unique in this regard and is derived directly from Tesla...
I keep coming across the schematic of the FBT in other "related" free-energy stuff. for instance: earth batteries and the Nathan Stubblefield (tesla alt ?) coil
(pertinent image is last schematic in post [also attached]) one is singled out b/c of the last schematic on the page... does this look like hydrocars' "Generator.jpeg" or a schematic of a Kelvin water dropper to anyone else? I know it's a voltage multiplier, but is anyone else seening a pattern here?
PS - are the "chokes" really to restrict amps, or are they to eliminate unwanted freq at the supply? - serious question; i don't know the answer...?

thought you might since you know about freq, etc...