For those that wants a promising but Flawed results with their fake chokes and un worthy copper coated wire do the following.
Attatch an antenna between your Diode and secondary transformer, alter freq, you will read Kilovolts.
That is only a fast example that will allow you to view high voltage directly across the cell. Important to know, Electrical Isolated Ground (J) should be adjacent from the diode. I just described a flawed methode to allow you to see a voltage across the fuel cell.
Also, 78 ohms, I used 2 inches tall with 1.5 Inch gap, 1.5 mm. More to come, Reasearch!
Find those Depflection Circuits, which is a Transfonner tuned to a Inductor. (VERY SORRY THIS INFORMATION IS GETTING LOST) and becoming obsolete.
Also, someone grab all of stans patens from the patents office website, I assume they will start to dissapear very quickly. Stevie, you do this. Post links to them here, upload them here before they are all gone. We need these here anyways. if you already have them, post the link here. SO that I can access them and further explain what he was doing to the gas.