I have a question. I need some sort of confirmation of you guy,s, here on our forum.
Its about the following setup:
A two electrode watercell connected to ground and also a coil connected to ground.
Both hooked up to a pulsing DC.
You will create resonance.
The question is if the cell stays polarised because it is connected to ground.?
Just past this code in the falstadt simulator and play with it.
You will see very high voltage peaks across the cell.
https://www.falstad.com/circuit/$ 0 0.000005 11.086722712598126 50 5 50
c 112 208 112 288 0 1.0000000000000001e-7 1.0745206956359044e-9
l 208 208 208 288 0 0.1 2.7158390326613247e-12
w 112 208 160 208 0
w 160 208 208 208 0
w 112 288 160 288 0
w 160 288 208 288 0
g 160 288 160 336 0
w 160 208 160 160 0
s 160 160 320 160 0 1 true
R 320 160 432 160 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
r 160 208 160 288 0 20000
o 0 64 0 4107 0.3125 0.000390625 0 2 0 3
o 1 64 0 4107 0.3125 0.000390625 1 2 1 3