I believe the epg creates oposing magnetic fields such that the magnetic fields oppose each others forming groups of 1inch long magnets.. dont ask me how hhaha
i would need to give some work on that and now im focus on the hydrogen but as soon as i start having pressure you can bet i will start making this gas pull something thru this tubes to get power back from the gas generation...
the pressure we start up with is what is going to give the power..
for example if you generate hydrogen at ambient pressure the flow times the pressure drop is what form the power...
but if we have a manner to maintain a high pressure at the generators side (bars of pressure) the gas would come out with a great quantity of movement... and could drive some magnets thru the tubes..
im not sure if that pump was not being driven in a manner that it would only oscillate back and forth the liquid! it was probably a prof of concept.. .
the main idea is to use solenoids to make the gas to move the groups of magnets thru the coils...
the copper tube works like a shorted turn and i believe the movent of magnets may induce a voltage across its lenght otherwise meyer would have used a single turn! and it was never a single turn!
i imagine two pressure sensors.. one at the oxygen side and one at the hydrogen side.. the hydrogen drives one epg the oxygen can drive a second smaller one... or a section...
the oxygen pressure is maintained equal to the hydrogen to avoid mixing of the gases in the cell which would result in an explosion at very high pressures..
the pressure at the output would be pretty much reduced and so the flow of the gas generated a power output,,
it reminds me the refrigeration cycle somehow where the epg sits where the capilar tube goes (pressure drop)
we could use even a piston but the efficiency wold be limited for example by the same problems a ice engine would Carnot efficiency