Thanks to your kind help Steve now i have that audio amplifier to put it to work
im going to show what im planning to do and if you have any ideas please tell me =D
im planning to do the following:
considering im going to do this first test with a single cell im going to have low capacitance but very low resistance too given the design of my cell where the screws goes thru the electrodes..
why does it mather? well i think that lc resonance will be able to have a detectable Q factor if the resistance is smaller than the reactance of the capacitance.. thats not a difficult thing in a small capacitor
im not sure if what im going to see is actually a LC resonance or if that is what im looking for...
perhaps the only way to go is to use external capacitors once we know the water frequency who knows...
my plan is to apply around 20v from this amplifier into a step down transformer giving a very low voltage output im thinking about use a toroidal core i have somewhere here
i plan to have only 100 mv output so 200:1 stepdown very few turns.,..
i series with the transformer i will add a resistor to restrict the load to a certain impedance.. this amplifier seems to work good from 4 to 50 ohms.. .
i will be trying to find any response in the audio range.. i will monitor the current and the voltage i expect to see something strange around 5khz haha
but the main idea is that voltage should rise or current should drop at a certain frequency...
to measure the current i have 5mohm resistor to use in series...
if we consinder the cell to have another 100mohm of resistance and the copper wire included we should have max one amp flow at resonant frequency... because in series the current of the resonance circuit depends on the series resistance... the voltage will be the product of the current and the reactance of the component..
if the capacitor is hit at a a frequency that gives it a reactance of 3000ohms it will have 3kv across it for that 1 amp flowing... but that Q is very sharp...
im not sure if the capacitance of the cell is something we can measure... i think is more probable that this frequency change with the contaminants type and amount and so we should expect that empiricaly is easier to make a graph to identify where that range is... otherwise is like trying to find the signal of a satelite without even knowing where it point to
meyer stated that its in the audio range pretty clearly and it can be from 20 to 20khz thats the only indication of range we have for his tap water
so im looking for a gain in voltage or current or peak of current or even a drop in current
in the case the current drops it would indicate that the cell works as a kind of resonant tank by itself (working as a parallel resonant circuit voltage will be equal to applied voltage but current input drops as the tank voltage rise)
if the current rise and is what i think is what is going to happen, because meyer called it an LC series directly, voltage will do so too probably and will be detectable so i start from this figure...