I have found all needed ingredients

Im from Poland, are you Dutch Steve?
That's very likely that what you're saying is true Geon. In the second patent from 1960 we can read:
"Moreover when the alloy particles or shavings have been permitted to remain in the water for several hours, gas bubbles will emerge from the water and form on the surface. Each of these bubbles explodes upon the application of a match, showing that chemicals in the alloy shavings produce hydrogen and other gases when placed in water. A still more powerful effect is obtained when salt water is used."
The question is for how long may it last? Is it worth any attention in your opinion? Due to work with this rod I probably get lead poison. I had very bad head aches and badly hands shake for a few days, what is unusual for me. I'll have to be more careful next time 😉
Anyway, the melting furnace is already ordered, all materials I'll also order in this week. We will see if it will be able to produce more heat, than consume founds on materials

and if I'll be able to melt it correctly at all 😜
When I'll have some interesting observations I'll let you know 😉 when I'll get more material I'll try to use deionized water as well.
BTW there was no air in the syringe last Saturday