the detail in the 2 circles is enough to know that hes not relating the chokes and primary as dual..
for the chokes it says dual resonant charging coils (56/62)
for primary it says dual primary coil (26)
notice the s on the end of coils for the charging choke and the relation he gives the postive and neg stainless shokes, reference numbers. (56/62)
he says dual primary coil (singular subject) as in its not coils as a pos and a neg but a dual primary.
dankie think on this with me.. focus on the drawing i made earlier of my insight. focus on how i labeled the wire raps as polarities red/ shows how they cross and switch to the second level in the middle.. now think of what it would do if you pulsed it with the same pulse but it was pushing negative from both sides as well as positve. so it would have primarys current and freq hitting from both sides opposing right? in some type of impeadance manner? now focus on how the winds allow one half to have the negative side of induction to be dominant to inner core and one have to be dominate with positive. vise versa on outter wind closet to secondary.. what would current of 12v 3.3amp 15khz do in that situation.. are thes the right question for this situation.