Thank you for your input!
My planning was to scrap the the two
red blocks and replace it with a micro controller block and use two PWM signals.
I have a few problems right now mixing the two PWM signals in the micro controller as one output for pulsing and gating. Getting synchronized signals with different duty and frequencies is difficult (for me to program at this moment
It has all the signals I need for now for my alternator setup v2. I can use a few IO ports to control the gating and the output signal.
Be careful with micro controller signals, they can not be trusted. You need to have a manual shutdown that switch the system OFF. Or use a pulser signal (software) from the micro controller to generate a interrupt signal to a external chip. When this signal is lost the micro controller has a error and switch the system OFF. I want to control my frequency inverter to regulate the RPMs of the motor with this micro controller.
It think we must use AM signals, the alternator setup is the carrier wave and is mixing with the pulse gate signals (the digital or analog way).
I think we are trying to find the right mixing frequencies in the resonant cavity. My understanding is that no WFC (resonance cavity) is the same (at lost of parameters in here) thus different mixed signals must be used.
This AM signal is finally generated / used by a VIC of course, but I want to study this the old fashion alternator way first. The alternator is just a (audio) transformer used in a different way till we can replicate a VIC unit.
I hope we can replicate a VIC unit (or what you want to call this thing) in parallel here. Later we must find balance in different system setups, to regulate it automatic in resonance I think.