I need your help to develop some better arduino sketchs for high sampling rate for measuring the signals we need
i´m not a programer and i dont know yet how to work with the registers of arduino
i found a great source that explain how to build a oscilloscope with an arduino uno that may be a source of inspiration
www.instructables.com/id/Girino-Fast-Arduino-OscilloscopeWe need to develop the following
Pulse frequency meter
Gate frequency meter
Pulse time and width meter
Gate time and width meter
Voltage input meter (simplest one assuming it were flat dc but more complicated in case is not filtered)
Current input meter
watts input meter
electron extraction amp meter
and some thermometers around to monitor the parts!
with my system of labview i already have all this but the current is not peak... i only have average because the module for isolated low voltage readings works only on average
but i would like to have some more channels oscilloscope to be able to see all that in real time right now is likely impossible so i will have to work with what i have and think that stan didnt have all this stuff we have today... but likely had the knowledge of using simple needle amp meters and voltmeters =D
Anyone ?