Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77173 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #96 on: July 07, 2018, 17:35:37 pm »
maybe an insulated outside of the outside tube?
So no leaks to the extern waterbath?
All action just in between the 2 electrodes?

this would increase the capacitance a lot! and would be great but is a little hard if not a single cell...

in one of my last videos on youtube i use a single cell that i did this i simply constructed a single cell inside an acryilic tube and outside the acrylic i added a foil of copper...

however the thicknes of the acrylic is 3mm so the capacitance is virtually zero although it exist... to get a better situation the thickness should be something like at least 0.5mm

another strategy and i think that is the one that worked for me most to view this effect is using a larger cup with more water and thin border...

i confess i never tried to use a single electrode

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #97 on: July 07, 2018, 18:38:30 pm »
its good that you compare Horvath patents with Meyer patents.
Please take a look at one of the first Horvath patents where he only uses HV pulses into his electrodes.
So similar did Meyer.
Horvath took it then to a higher level with magnetic fields and soft x rays which are routed by the magnetic fields..

Soft x rays is what Anderson used as Radiolysis.
So you see now what i am saying for a long time.
There are just a very limited technics that works on watermolecules and hydrogen isotopes.
1. Pulses into water with voltages higher then 13v to extract electrons from water mols.
2. Magnetic field to accelerate hydrogen and oxygen during electrolysis.
3. adding radiolysis or soft x rays to modify the produced isotopes into more mass and more energy.

All three did the same shit.
Even the Dingle person did the Eec.....

So all 4 used the same technology.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #98 on: July 07, 2018, 20:21:25 pm »
i agree with you... i also think that that guy john quincy st clair was onto something in the same way!

we need to find the books this guyd use to read about fusion etc...

The magnetic field in horvath patent so far as i understood are used to make the electrons that are ejected when the radiolysis attack to be forced into a circular pattern instead of straight path to increase the collisions each electron will make with other ions...

I saw some of horvath patents specially the canadian ones.. he indeed tells that there is one circuit where the radiolysis pulse come from the water cell itself..

I believe the pulse into water must be of higher voltage than 12 to achieve that... i think is in the thousands volts range indeed but very sharp like i´m saying so takes few watts to give very strong pulses to water... also to get the electrons out of water is required to hold the water at a high potential probably over 5kv  to get an apreciable amount of current ...

the best way to go would be sequential pulses each with a higher voltage level since they will consume far less power than a simple high volatage single level pulse.. but once in operation perhaps is not needed.. the pulse also could be a ramp and do ok


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Stan tech stolen by Boing
« Reply #99 on: July 07, 2018, 22:29:25 pm »

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Boeing patents
« Reply #100 on: July 09, 2018, 07:32:18 am »
I have read some patents from them recently and i was kind of feeling they were doing some high tech development... until i found this!

In the tech brief meyer show the rocket design and interestingly it has all to do with theirs...

however i learned recently that patents are something a bit stupid.. you can get the patent on whatever thing you want up to a point just to legalize and protect something product or idea you are trying to sell.. there are offices that makes the drawings and even write the text of the patent based on some questions and answers they ask to the inventor..  mainly all you need to do is pay

this guys of boing are 10 years ahead of us because they have the money to do it and qualified engineers also

wish they had some space for interested personal ...

but hope we make it harder..
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 16:32:37 pm by sebosfato »

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Connecting dots
« Reply #101 on: July 09, 2018, 17:50:34 pm »
electrons emit radiation when they are at high speed and get magnetic fields in their way or when they are simply accelerated or de-accelerated

cyclotron radiation is how its called...

the power its capable of radiate is dependent on the ion or electron acceleration

it can emit whatever kind of radiation between microwaves and over xrays because you can vary the power of the radiation per charge changing the voltage for example while increase the amount of radiation by increasing current

if using a magnet on the cell we create a force on the moving ions and electrons the movement generate the required radiation we need...

meyer cell has the two connectors on the same size and it forms a circular magnetic field on water or toroidal if we want to calling names..

this toroidal field is formed by the current flowing in the cell ... it makes the ions go up or down depending on their direction...

the pumping action we see on long tubes is also caused by this

if we add a magnetic field normal to this field the ions will be forced in a spiral pattern

basically i believe we are getting some level of radiation when working with this cells and  high voltage discharges on it..

i was thinking if my sleep problems and artrosis at my hands can be derived from it..

probably this sort of radiation that was lighting the fluorescent bulbs ! actually with the cell not connected to the vic the lamp didnt light much

« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 22:41:03 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #102 on: July 09, 2018, 23:28:19 pm »
All that said is becoming clear that stan called it resonant cavity for a reason...

the voltage and magnetic fields and amps will determine the exact type of radiation we need so the water resistance is what is going to regulate how much radiation it will generate and voltage level and magnetic field of the discharge determine the radiation type..

Meyer car cell was totaly covered in aluminum and i believe that was for protection of personal and himself because this thing certain emits radiations of certain types in a broad range..

thats why horvath have the magnetic fields on the cell, to improve the process and the magnetic fields are parallel with the electrodes.. this forces a circular motion

perhaps meyer went otherway and decided to raise the voltage and work with higher destabilization of the molecules

water cavity work as a ultrasonic transducer when there is a toroidal magnetic field on it ...

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #103 on: July 11, 2018, 09:37:55 am »
that last part?