Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77172 times)

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two patents that we should look at
« Reply #88 on: July 04, 2018, 18:18:51 pm »

at those patents they explain that in a plasma we get electrons with much hotter state and it create a negative potential if a electrode is inserted in the plasma...

if two different electrodes are inserted a current can flow between them in an external ckt

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« Reply #89 on: July 05, 2018, 07:29:22 am »

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« Reply #90 on: July 06, 2018, 14:28:48 pm »
Meyer seem to me that he copied horvath in many ways... from the fusion theory and up

what appear to me is that meyer found a way to do without the radiation tube or he hide it

or perhaps used elsewere

also the pulsing is not to be believed....  because if we compare with horvath it simply does not hold...

seeing meyers patents and papers from this perspective can be very mind opening

looks like stan did this ... if this is already patented i need to change everything to seem is not the same thing..

And probably he improved it too...


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Difference between one electrode or two in water...
« Reply #91 on: July 06, 2018, 17:33:44 pm »
Recently someone said that meyer had one electrode encapsulated in delrin...

i´m going to put here one thought i had about it

in few words a dielectric is a material that lacks free electrons therefore their electrons are very bounded to the molecules...

when we input a electrode in water the electrode itself will generate a potential related to the kind of material you put there.. . this potential is actually the electrons of the material that get attracted to the water and because of that a potential develop

this electrode will also start to adsorb ions in its surface... this ions are already split water molecules... but as we have only one electrode the probability is that it will have equilibrium of charge...

now if water is in  isolated bath we can bring the potential of this electrode up and down... however the effect is small or invisible ... is possible to create a population of ions according to the applied potential... however this ions will discharge to find an equilibrium that is when the potential is stable (no more charging of the capacitor side) this will make the potential of the electrode to stay the same it was but the electrode is now populated with more ions of one sign than the other sign
and thru water will be no more polarization other than the electric fields coming out of the electrode itself since the other side will have a charge equilibrium and should not have external electric field... a closed capacitor have zero eletcric field out

if we manage to increase the capacitance by using a thin dielectric and high enough voltage than we can have a situation where the electrode will interact with water molecules in one side while at the other they will have a harder time to interact since the dielectric will not have free electrons... this electrons must be the water electrons!

so i imagine the following situations

if we charge the eletrode with positive charge the other side of the cell will reflect the same polarity since some ions will discharge on the electrode leaving an overal positive charge that will be acumulated on the plastic side

we know that inside water the positve charge ions are H+ ions so we are discharging OH- in this situation thru the applied potential...

if we had another metal electrode inside the water it would be another provider for electrons

but guess what

electrodes wont be able to give positive charges off

and as i said the dielectric wont exchange electrons too

so we have a situation where we can manipulate the electrons if we manage to get them out of water somehow..

up now this is what i think what your ideas over it?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #92 on: July 07, 2018, 12:30:49 pm »
maybe an insulated outside of the outside tube?
So no leaks to the extern waterbath?
All action just in between the 2 electrodes?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #93 on: July 07, 2018, 15:48:55 pm »
I´m still wondering and drawing a little to see with more clarity

it appear to me something like one step up transformer charge the water isolated bath to a high voltage to eject electrons out of the bath bringing it out of equilibrium and than the water just receive a kind of ac strong pulse to make the missing electron molecules colide generating ionized gas...

imagine you simply charge up to 30kv and just apply strong ac to water...

i´m trying to mix the stan claims with fracture cell claims to try to visualize it... i´m thinking something like a fracture cell having one electrode inside only and one outside on one of the sides... just to imagine how it goes..

i think is possible to do with two electrodes too but with only one seems easier to manipulate with high voltage,,,

I imagined a transformer comprising two coils besides the primary... one high voltage 1:30 to charge the cell during pulse on and other small 1:3 after the diode in the same core... but this coil is connected in parallel with the cell so it charges the cell with púlses during pulse on and at resonance it will develop a very high voltage  and when the pulse collapse the coil will create a high voltage spike across the cell using the capacitance that was charged and the energy on the core..

I believe somehow when the water bath start missing electrons or ions of one sign this charges will evenly distribute within the water and will end up on the wall of the capacitance being impeed of exchanging electrons with it so like preparing a gun to shoot....

i believe the pulse collapse may generate free electrons that will be ejected from the positive electrode filled with Oxygen ions and this electrons will collide with other atoms until it loses its energy and link up with a Hydrogen positive ion to generate an atom as explained in fracture cell...

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #94 on: July 07, 2018, 16:06:14 pm »
Meyer used only coils according to the fracture cell ...

i believe it  could also work but the coil must have enough energy to compensate the lack of the capacitor and there will be a leakage too... however as the electrodes are on water potential level maybe the voltage to be applied to allign the molecules will be much lower than the fracture cell since the electric field goes straight to water... the problem is that the electrode will be able to give electrons to the cell from the other side so will be harder to accumulate ions without discharging them at very low efficiency due to the voltage applied

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The real objective of the invention
« Reply #95 on: July 07, 2018, 16:24:18 pm »
It appears to me that the only object of this invention is to generate highly ionized and destabilized gas to achieve fusion during detonation to increase the energy output of the gas beyond the energy we could input in it..

how do we detect fusion?

geiger counter? maybe could be useful or a photodiodemultiplier ... it must be unsensitive to the fields present to block false results
for example we know that holding a fluorescent bulb near the cell applying high voltage makes it light wireless so maybe is not good

for achieving fusion the pressure and heat must be great and in one of horvath patents he claim he can use a hydrogen from whatever source given he irradiated first...

his xray is not a low power tube... i examined his patents lately and i found that it must be oil cool with a radiator... so is imperative to achieve fusion to get the atoms destabilized..

is useful to have a pure hydrogen source to manipulate it safely

if we get xrays in hho it can explode and in horvath patent he mention a nickel separator with 0.004 holes to be able to generate the hydrogen separeted from oxygen but he mention that a nylon screen could also be used for the same purpose..