In meyers Patents he claim to be generating hydrogen by subatomic interaction with water molecules... he claims that the bond force of the water is weakened when a resonant condition which increase the cell resistance happen
subatomic force is the weak force... the force thru witch quarks can be exchanged causing decay.. this decay is probably electrons in the case of water...
it appear to me that the patent from john quincy st clair on water spliting claim more or less the same thing.. he also say that when the water is in this wormhole generator the water bonds are weakened and the hydrogen even decay
when an atom receive a subatomic particle like neutrinos etc they interact by causing decay...
john Q have a way to do it electrically but he didnt patented that ,, he only mention in one of his patents that there is a electric wormhole generator besides the magnetic...
My best guess is that when meyer says in the videos that electromagnetic force comands all other forces he mean it... weak force is weaker than electromagnetic force.. .
maybe those mystery numbers and diagrams will come alive
he probably new that if he give a too fast pulse to water at a certain frequency this wormhole opens up weakening the water bonds and freeing up loads of electrons
this resulting gas is even magnetizable according to one of his patents of gas electrical hydrogen genertor