Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77185 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #56 on: June 20, 2018, 23:20:03 pm »
The pll i use as a frequency generator. if we mean to lock into something its there...

the basics of the theory i´m developing here is simple the water molecules will be align when we apply the dc to it however is impossible to apply thousands of volts to the water for long time or it will have a gigantic current

i realized that meyer was using amps to drive the cell to high voltage using just coils for it instead of capacitors

the water cell is a capacitor itself so to get charged by an inductor discharge it will happen with the resonance time if the resistance of the capacitor is high enough to not reduce the time of the discharge

when a inductor collapse it will try to maintain the current that it was charged and for that it will develop the voltage it needs

i have cristal clear that this is what meyer and horvath was doing...

tay he han was doing something similar but using capacitors to punch the water!

 capacitors have the bad reputation of being expensive

however in the fracture cell by eccles they propose that their system is cheaper than meyer because use only plastics to build the capacitor (it still need the high voltage transformers though)

now comes some background theory

a capacitor has positive and negative charges so the fields sum inside and cancel outside the capacitor

if we could apply positive on both plates it would reppel each other meaning the field inside is zero while on the outside they point in oposite directions

in the water molecule capacitance it work in the same way

when we align they and subject to a depolarizing pulse we can indeed reduce the electric field that holds the molecule together making it stretch in

if we apply a field to stretch out directly the molecule it would need to be stronger than the field that holds the molecule together

my approach is to instead cancel part of the covalent force allowing it to oscillate and hopefully break the bond basically pull one atom against the other instead of trying to split them as this is impossible give the extremely high electric field

i took some time to see this possibility of using the coil in parallel with the cell to achieve this kind of pulse

the main problem with the coils in series is that it wont have a direct path to discharge in water so it will never see enough voltage unless the coils are discharged in parallel but this can only be done adding another diode in the process and it makes the original diode suffer...

when i was back to brasil i did some experiments on that using some speaker wire a iron core and some diodes ... when i had a diode in parallel with secondary the pulse doubles and it can be seen in water another pulse during pulse off but as i was using different circuit than meyer no one gave attention to it not even me.. .

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2018, 00:30:43 am »
i think i would need some lab equipment to get on it better

i wish i had a hydrogen flow meter and one for air

i have a air flow regulator that may be useful for working with compressed air but i only have a co2 cylinder

wish i had a air compressor and a compressed air cylinder to work with

i wish i had a torch to use with hydrogen to start testing the eec

for the parts of the ckt i have most of but would love to have some high amps high voltage and ultra speed diodes

here in brazil everything is too expensive or simply dont exist and i also does not have money kkkk sad story

haha but is ok nothing can stop me anyway

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the ecc
« Reply #58 on: June 21, 2018, 00:50:57 am »
to get a better picture of the amount of gas being generated if we were using common electrolysis to just get the gas it would be possible to convert the coulombs using a microcontroler and an amp metter

this would be a first step knowing exactly how much gas we have!

than work with the ambient air with ionization and wave energy to try to reach the atomic decay...

perhaps is better to work with pure hydrogen to be able to play around with it safely without explosion during manipulation with high voltage pulses

meyer mean atomized hydrogen

this can be done by ionizing it negatively and bombarding it into a positive target

meyer talk about the muon decay process in the newzealand and also cited in this patent the same... and according to him when the oxygen missing electron steal the hydrogen electron  and it fail to form the water molecule, the hydrogen will toss out an electron and other particles and a lot of heat (thermal explosive energy)  (the universal energy pathway) to complete the reaction... i´m not sure if meyer mean the hydrogen will totally decay which could be one possibility however in this manner this water molecule will not exist anymore...

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thane heins transformer
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2018, 03:00:24 am »
i have worked a little into the bitoroid idea some while ago and from what i remember it gave pretty interesting spikes at turn on and off of the switch

it consisted of a couple of cores that had one closed loop coil connecting them magnetically (exteme thick wire one turn coupling the two transformers)  so very high current is always available there it works like a shorted transformer
and also another coil that worked as a feedback coil such that the output coil on the second transformer was connected to the coil in the first transformer forming a positive feedback,,,

i was thinking about another way to get this high voltage powefull spikes without disturbing the switch and remember that... i remember i could ligh a 60w incandecent light with it but at the time i wasnt looking at how much it cost in energy as i didnt had metters for it

when we short a transformer we get a situation where maximum current will be there flowing

the idea was that if the secondary transformer feedback energy to the input transformer by different turn ratio


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Crazy plan
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2018, 09:12:53 am »
i  have a crazy plan

i was thinking about how i´m going to play this game and i decided to go with all i can

to start with my power supply will be straight from the grid because i want some serious amps to drive the thing

my target is to get 500 watts nanopulses into one tube cell

for that my first plan  is to use a full wave bridge from a step down transformer for high current output i have here so i not run out of amps with a variac

i had it made for me few years ago its a 800W toroidal transformer with a multitap secondary being each of the taps with a thickness that support the maximum current for watts

for example if input is 240v the first tap is 24 v 35 amps and so on i´m not sure if it is 120 or 240 have to check it...

it is connected to a variac so i guess is 240v..

second my circuit protection will have protection for up to 1000volts given i´m using a 1200v transistor

this protection is based on the planned current so if i plan to have 20amps i must have maybe 10 tvs 1000v protection in parallel or more to handle such current

the primary will be in series with the secondary during the discharge to let the primary energy to be dissipated where its required however leaving the switch and tvs safe during well design operation

varistors are not good because they have a capacitance !

TVS have a Resistance like effect above its threshold voltage if it can hold from 1 amp to 5 amps to 400v range for example each diode..

this allow for a multiplication factor when the switch is open

thats what im interested collapsing the fields

the input circuit will be basically this the full wave bridge a fuse the protection and the transistor

the input coil is going to be a pulse transformer made with air core  1:3

the secondary will be connected in series with the primary and this mainly have two effects

the first effect is that the dc is switched thru it so a part of the amps are forced thru it during pulse on and this cancel part of the energy accumulated on it..

the second effect is that when the switch open the primary energy is dissipated on the load not on protection devices

in series with the secondary will be a diode and after it a coil made of 18awg 100 turns over a 1inch pvc tube with small spacers to reduce the capacitance (the spacers to be taken out after the coil is ready)

18awg is 1mm so the coil will have something like 20cm if the spacer is 1mm wide.. this will allow for connect at different points more easily on the coil without shorting ..

the amount of power that goes to the cell will depend on 3 factors mainly however the cell resistance is also a factor

input voltage  / control amps in for a given freq and choke

input frequency or repetition rate  / control amps in for a given volts and choke

charging choke size  / control amps in for a given freq and volt

cell (resistance if is low or capacitance depending on the resistance value) plus  choke value determine the discharge time

the lower the discharge time the greater is the peak power

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believe i´m on something
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2018, 12:57:25 pm »
its related to the ionization and ability to generate ionized gas

i realized that there is two ways of getting high voltage one is to have a big transformation ratio the other is to have a collapsing field

i found also that we can connect the secondary in series with the primary in two ways when we are pulsing on and off the circuit / one on the dc side the other is the switch side... assuming only series adding connection is desired
one way will send a boost positive to the ckt during pulse on and the other will send a negative boost

also there is two way of pulsing it one is in this boost mode and the other is flyback mode..

i found that the vic is another transformer on its own and it can be a single coil too  split in two or 3 parts all in one direction only

I´m going to use at the end 4 transformers

T1 is the variac

T2 is a stepdown (high amps requirement)

T3 is the pulse transformer

T4 is the Charging choke transformer 

(vic is the combination of T3 and T4)

i explain you why

The way this system generate powerful pulses is to get the switch open interrupting the current at the coils this create a power compression or condense the power accumulated during pulse on to be discharged in a fraction of a pulse time

the total voltage achieved will be equal to:  the voltage input * collapse transformation factor * (transfomation factor + 1 because primary is in series) * transformation factor of the chokes transformer 

the collapse factor depends on the protection tvs used in parallel with the primary of the pulse transformer = (limit of the collapse / input voltage)

the chokes "primary" during collapse will have the same voltage as the pulse transformer primary collapse + secondary voltage collapse + TVS (in series ) DIODE voltage
the choke "secondary" will again increase this discharge voltage ...


if the boost negative mode is used on the pulse transformer what becomes clear is that during the collapse not only the chokes will discharge a high power amps into the cell but the voltages of the primary secondary and chokes secondary will be in series adding.. generating a very high voltage pulse at the same time where the chokes are giving a high voltage amp reverse spike pulse on it.. this hv positive will clearly take any of the free electrons out of the water leaving it positively charged..

using a isolated ground is possible to drive those electrons to a place where they will not be able to return using a simple diode with the anode connected to earth ground

my only fear is that the cell charge can force a high amps discharge on the transistor at next pulse on burning it...

the ratio of the choke primary to secondary relates to the water contaminant so it allow for balance for how much voltage goes to the water to polarize during pulse on and how much will be at the discharge...

i think stepup is for low contaminants as it will have very small current during pulse on

my best guess is that it will explode

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Basic Request
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2018, 13:16:48 pm »
basic components

1kw variac (i have a only a  500w one )

1kw stepdown transformer (i have a 800w one that i can use)

1200v 30amps transistor (need to buy costs a lot)

many Tvs of different voltages (have some , need more)

 50amp full wave bridge rectifier (have)

30 amp ultra fast diode  (need to buy)

pulse transformer 1:3 (need buy some wire)

primary 14Awg 100t

secondary 18 Awg 300t

charging choke 200turns 1 inch diameter 18awg with taps

isolated cell (already have)

high voltage isolation diode (have a couple )

water filter (missing pump)
I´m totally out of money so any help you could give me my friends would really help us completing this tests.. i will provide a paypal link here bellow for you can donate to help

i also accept  donation of components if you already have them and want to send it to me!

i believe that with maybe 500 dollars i could get most of this things i miss and make a lot of progress!

Remembering you that i already spend hundreds of thousands in my education, equipment,  and testing in the last 13 years!

Please Donate Here:

as a counterpart i can make some videos with the progress of the tests and explaining better what we are doing here..



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great news
« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2018, 18:52:15 pm »
I took a good look at my parts

i found that i still have some igbts spare of very high power although they are a little slow ... 1200 v 90 amps @25C  G7PH50K10D
turn on delay 100ns
rise 70ns
turn of delay 370ns
fall time 100ns

the following one i found to sell on aliexpress FGL40N120AND is a much faster device
with fall time 60ns
and turn off delay 100ns
turn on delay 15ns
rise 25ns

is important to not parallel this devices in this kind of operation otherwise the amps can endup all into the one who turn off last... burning it

diodes can be parallel but they should share the same heat dissipator to have simillar foward voltage sharing the amps better