Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77331 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2018, 18:45:58 pm »
it appear to me that i found a interesting way to give a reverse pulse to the water for good

when i  add a coil in parallel with a low resistance cell its not allowed to collapse its field to high voltage

however when the cell is very low capacitance and high resistance its indeed possible to have a very shinny spike while maintaining the gas output

one of my theories behind the working of the cell to produce gas on demand relies on the fact that water need to be stimulated to oscillate and this will get the covalent force down

the only way i see viable to make a molecule oscillate is to apply a voltage to the water in a manner that we can press the atoms together since is not possible to stretch them unless we apply a higher electric field than the one which holds it

if a coil is discharged into a capacitor it will take a period to discharge.. the higher is the capacitor or lower is its resistance the slower will be this discharge and lower will be the voltage of the collapse

if we instead try to press one against each other is easier since whatever reverse pulse if this electric field get into the molecule will work to reduce the original field

if the water is very pure it is a good insulator and it works as a capacitor

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2018, 00:32:38 am »
$ 1 5.0000000000000004e-8 14.235633750745258 41 5 43
r 64 80 112 80 0 0.1
c 304 80 272 80 0 1e-8 73.62691716408511
r 400 48 400 160 0 10000
T 112 80 208 128 2 0.02 3 -0.13711733959149391 0.014717857910921502 0.99
c 304 128 272 128 0 1e-8 -73.62491718471439
d 304 80 400 48 1 0.805904783
d 400 160 304 80 1 0.805904783
d 304 128 400 48 1 0.805904783
d 400 160 304 128 1 0.805904783
c 432 48 432 160 0 1e-10 150.1499586041404
w 432 160 400 160 0
w 432 48 400 48 0
v 64 128 64 80 0 2 7000 100 0 0 0.5
w 112 128 80 128 0
w 80 128 64 128 0
w 208 128 272 128 0
T 208 48 256 64 4 0.002 30 0.014717857910911406 -0.0001267877721106906 0.999
w 208 48 272 80 0
w 256 48 400 48 0
w 256 80 256 144 0
l 512 64 512 224 0 100 -0.00012678777211475652
g 256 256 256 272 0
w 512 64 432 48 0
w 256 144 256 256 0
g 512 224 512 240 0
o 1 64 0 4354 320 0.05 0 2 1 3
o 2 64 0 4354 1280 0.05 1 2 2 3
o 20 64 0 4098 10240 0.2 1 2 20 3

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about the coil being in parallel with the cell
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2018, 10:24:33 am »

i was wondering what would be the benefits of having a coil in parallel  with the cell...

in simulation it appear to me that the coil will increase the power output of the ckt whatever is the kind of the pulse in phase or during the off pulse

another thing that i noticed is that having the coil there allow for a high voltage collapse of the coil field dumping all the energy to the cell in a way that the only limitation to discharge speed is the cell resistance the higher the fastest will be the discharge and higher will be the voltage achieved

another thing that i was wondering is the follow

a coil will fight to a applied potential creating yes creating a back EMF in it self and other coils in the same core

its said that the back emf is what makes the current to start at zero and increase linearly with time

this back emf is in the direction opposite to the applied voltage..

what i´m trying to mean is that it reforces the original field that is being applied to it and cell during the pulse

and here it comes the interesting part

i´m thinking about if it has a low resistance it can create a preferable way for the amps to flow out of the cell instead of the secondary high resistance coil for example

so working as a multiple source of power to the cell (amplification maybe)

the more coils we add in parallel more magnetic fields can be combined into a bigger one more power is consumed but more electric field is applied to the water

when we add a secondary for example into this coil and make a current flow thru it it will run in the opposite direction cancelling part of the energy accumulated..

in my opinion it seems like this potential the coil will have during the pulse will act on water positively forcing it more than we imagined

it also creates a magnetic field in this coil that could be useful somehow to make this discharge happens

basically we can wind a coil in only two ways

one way the positive side will be a north and the other where the positive side will create a south pole.. this depends on the direction the coil is wound

i think maybe if we glue the coil on one side to a iron plate the iron will create a attraction force to the coil magnetic field

would this attraction allow current to flow?  thru it?

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resistor in parallel with the cell
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2018, 10:43:49 am »
a resistor is another piece that i imagine nor i not most us have applied in parallel with the cell

a resistor will create a potential that is in the same direction as the coil with the exception that it wont create a back spike

the resistor will after pulse off maintain the charges on the plate because it create a external circuit with the cell not allowing it to lose the applied charge

normally a cell would discharge because of the disconnection of the power source because the ions that were attracted to the electrodes will find the most attraction to each other inside the cell

however if we maintain a circuit on the outside like a resistor in parallel or a capacitor it would help maintaining the attraction of the already charges to plates

for example on positive side oxygen atoms of water molecules will be near the electrode and also the negative ions.. the negative ions will discharge with the positive ions thru the resistor once the power is disconnected assuming the resistor has a smaller resistance than the cell

if no resistor the ions would find greater attraction inside the cell and leave the electrodes..

the coil case would give a bang on this ions in my opinion shaking up the system

the resistor would not

the capacitor would do the same as the resistor but would consume power to charge it and the discharge would be limited to its power handling... if the capacitance is much higher than the cell it would maintain the plates charged otherwise they would quick discharge as the capacitor charge goes away

the resistor could be connected to the cell in parallel at the moment just before the pulse stop to have less power consume on it for example

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if we know...
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2018, 02:58:23 am »
if we know that water cannot hold a charge for a long time why not to hit it at a higher frequency:?

i was looking into how a transmitter circuit works to try to see the parts used

mainly water is used in capacitors for xray very short pulse because it if very pure can hold a charge for some microseconds depending on the purity of the system

i read that up to 100kv/cm is a working range

is our case as we need to induce the resonance on the molecule it must be done in very fast scale to unlock the atoms from their configuration

as per meyers words electrons will get momentarily into another lower attraction state configuration at the break point

so how to put 100w into water in form of high voltage at high frequency enough to let it hold the charge ?

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do you believe?
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2018, 04:03:55 am »
i was thinking about how to get this pulses to water

i believe meyer could have used multiple vics with a certain timing to apply a sequence of pulses or a pulse train

it basicaly is a sequence of pulses  that start being charged one after the other and is discharged in same manner

like a multiphase system

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2018, 09:32:57 am »
i believe you want to read this paper entirely

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some books i would like to find
« Reply #39 on: June 15, 2018, 10:40:10 am »
Transient Electronics by paul w smith
Pulsed power Gennady A. Mesyats

if any of you can find the full pdf please
