Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77274 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #304 on: January 23, 2019, 13:36:41 pm »
i did some work on it on the past and i build a prototype that indeed lighted a 100w lamp dim but it was using an arrangement much like the one you see in the patent regarding the polarities but using ferrite to couple the energy... i tried to mix the barbat patent with the (forgot the name) that guy that tells that the reaction back electromotive force can be deviated to a higher permeability core... so i use a relation of one core to 3 cores..

at the time i had only a pc sound card oscilloscope... lets see today.. luckly i still have this parts

in one core i had one primary and one feedback coil ... than sharing between this same core and another 3 cores a 1 inch thick copper ring made of multiple strand wire soldered as a ring... on the 3 cores than there was a secondary that was connected in series with the feedback coil on the first core and the load that close the circuit among them..

i was pulsing it with a circuit that recovered the feedback called regenerative. it used a second coil on the primary that is connected to a capacitor and a couple of diodes so during pulse off it will charge the capacitor and this capacitor provide the initial power for the pulses.. this makes a shape that is a exponetial decay over the square pulse input...

on the secondary it develops a high current since it have low turns but it cannot be enough to saturate 3 cores since power is coming from 1 ..

the feedback coil had a voltage lower than the secondary on the other side of the ring.. so the secondary voltage was subtracted from the feedback voltage prior to go to the load.. this applied a second voltage on the feedback that supposedly would induce a greater voltage in the ring and subsequently on the secondary and so on;;;.

if my memory dont fail i had it like this

L1 100 turns input 100v
Feedback 100 turns 100v
Ring 1 turn 1v
3 cores
ring 1 turn 1v
Secondary 200 turns  200v (the voltage was actually higher than the transforming factor) had a peak up and down probably because of the high current in the ring

so the load see 100v basically since the secondary will subtract from feedback

fell so clear in mind

now what about a bismuth ring? or superconductor..

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #305 on: January 23, 2019, 14:00:42 pm »
the basic idea of the barbats patent as you can see in his drawings he state that the primary will induce a current in the amplifier coil and this current will induce a current in opposite direction to the first so it causes no reaction really as its using the reaction electromotive force from the amplifier coil as its emf

in my system i tried to do the same the ring causes a coupling link where the other side is uncoupled from the primary in a sense so they can be joined together to build the feedback.. the feedback would basically reduce the energy input at the primary since the other side is sending energy back to itself thru the ring

the things i was thinking at the time was like if you have a 100w load for example 100v 1 amp the secondary is giving 200v 1 amp to make it happen so the feedback coil is receiving 100v 1 amp and plus we are having another 100w coming from the primary

the idea is if the primary actually reduce more than that

the secret is in the ring, this is where the electrons speed will be magnified.. so perhaps having a ring made of low mass electrons material is just what is needed to be able to amplify the power...

its interesting as the pressure idea to generate the over unity had all to do with the theory behind barbat and his low mass electrons..


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« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 21:09:12 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #307 on: February 16, 2019, 22:54:50 pm »

this video is just so cool

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #308 on: March 18, 2019, 14:13:06 pm »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #309 on: March 19, 2019, 20:43:18 pm »
It runs till the air is out of the bottles?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #310 on: May 15, 2019, 06:15:50 am »
dont know yet i think is very interesting,,,

i was studying some acoustics to get rid of some acoustics problems in a small home studio i´m building here to try to get some work and i got faced with again a resonance problem,,

it made me wonder how this could be useful for the water technology understanding and as usual i´m going deep into it

i found that there are different room modes axial tangencial and oblique so a resonant cavity will have different frequencies where its going to resonate depending on the position of the speaker and the room measures..

there are some frequencies that is going to sum and other that will cancel... and for that acoustic treatment is designed, to get rid of the reflections that sustain this standing waves..

its accomplished by using dissipative material that will transform the sound waves in heat.. so the power coming out of the speakers just become heat since what is stop the sound from keep going is the transformation of this displacement of air particles into heat..  but the sound also get destroyed by destructive interference! meaning that when the two waves sum ok they will get twice the amplitude but when they cancel out they simply must disappear. with no heat generated.
(this last part is coming from my understand i didnt read anything to confirm this yet but seems to be the case since the speakers wont heat the room that much without acoustic treatment)
a cube is a resonant cavity and if it has a resonant frequency that is the same in all axis x,y,z this mean that the resonance of the 3 axis combines creating a sound amplitude for this frequency that is much higher than the other frequencies
exiting one mode seems to also trigger the others.,

basically there is 3 standing waves that form one in each axis..

so this got me interested and i started to think

audio range go from meters to centimeters in air.. for example 10khz would be around 3.4 cm

this mean that a box having 3.4 cm measures would resonate at around 10khz and 20khz and so on. and also other frequencies as i mentioned
the second octave creates a pressure node in the center of the box.. so twice the regular resonant cavity of the box it may depend on the speaker position as well

what i mean is that this is the kind of sizes stan used for his things...

i´m wondering if his epg and other stuff was designed to walk on sound waves... in the video of the buggy interview he say that his system needed to compensate for ambient pressure and temperature changes... and this are two things that will take a resonant cavity to deviate from its tuning at standard conditions.

check this room modes calculator online and find out the modes of your rooms... do some tests ... perhaps if we understand the sound waves that are much more audible kkk  we can understand a way to put energy out of water...

further: sound waves are longitudinal and as it creates zones of high pressure and low pressure it may be able to bounce the particles back and forth in a dance


3 inches is the wave length of 20khz in water...

i´m starting to thing that we need magnetic fields or a piezo transducer to play with water more nicely and stimulate and read this resonances of water bros

i wish i had some money to buy some powerful piezos to play and perhaps some to read...

if a magnetic field is present there is movement in the water so the energy can be somehow resonated too..

the plan is a metalic box with the walls insulated from each other forming a resonant tank filled with water that is contained in itself and a small hole for the gas come out....

i need to understand better the properties of this sound waves in tubes for example and how this modes would apply...

but from helmholtz we learn that the stiffness of the air act as a spring and so water not having much stiffness could break?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #311 on: May 15, 2019, 07:27:56 am »
i see why you are intrested...