Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 78855 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #248 on: January 06, 2019, 19:40:22 pm »
today im testing the KNO3... 1 gram per 100ml gives a TDM reading of 2700ppm and applying 5 volts gives 3 amps... my ph metter seem to be out of calibration.. not showing consistent values .. perhaps i buy a new..

the gas is being generated only after 2,5volts is applied... and dont seem to generate heat..

although i used deionized water to start with, its forming that brown dirty on the water at the top of the bubbling water tower... i guess this may be some iron or other metal coming out of the electrodes or from the water (contaminants that were not conductive so didnt get out of it... i guess when we apply power they form a visible matter and precipitate...

so perhaps is a good idea to electrolise the water before filtering and than deionizing

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Restricting amps
« Reply #249 on: January 07, 2019, 00:17:23 am »
today im testing with this 0.1molar solution of KNO3 and i found some interesting data about it

no current pass bellow 2,5 volts

if the source is disconnected it will retain 1,44v

at 6v rms  there is 4,5 amps  flowing with no choke so the cell resistance to dc is consistently at this voltage around 1,5ohms

my cell is the cell you see in the video in youtube here

i´m using only dc for the test now

« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 01:43:59 am by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #250 on: January 07, 2019, 07:28:16 am »
water is yellow, over it there is a brown to black precipitate turning water to black during the operation...

it apear to not interfere on the gas production.... but who knows...

i believe that the most reasonable way to know if our electrolysis is working at higher efficiency is automating the calculation of power going into the cell

the input impedance will give very useful information and we must pay attention at the temperature change as the conductivity is a function of the temperature

there is two powers being dissipated one is heat so a temperature reading versus the amount of water in the tank will tell how much energy became heat

and the second is gas generation and the only way i see to determine it with exact result is to use a semi analytical scale.. .a precision of 1mg.. other than using flow meters (they could be calibrated and a rapid indicator..)

there is a heat flow sensor that can be used to than ignite the gas and even verify if the power output is greater than the input by heating some water in a separate tank and calculating how much heat went in..

my cell is consuming some water visibly.. today i consumed like 10ml during tests... my impression is that i should have needed more amps to have this result..

« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 07:58:21 am by sebosfato »

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coils in parallel
« Reply #251 on: January 07, 2019, 08:19:16 am »
anyone tried? to see if getting coils in parallel helps restriction?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #252 on: January 07, 2019, 14:19:42 pm »
the brown scum is ususal when you use  KOH or similar some times the hydrogen will attract the scu and bring it to the surface  tast some of it with a gas lighter  but one to light the gas stove.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #253 on: January 07, 2019, 15:46:44 pm »
the brown scum is ususal when you use  KOH or similar some times the hydrogen will attract the scu and bring it to the surface  tast some of it with a gas lighter  but one to light the gas stove.

thats true! koh makes much less of it... i´m still wondering what hell is it... i guess may be iron ions and maybe chromium nickel etc...   however i was trying to get the thing done at a more neutral ph... i want that there is the two ions species present such as is not needed to have the sodium trying to plate to the electrode and than oxidizing
but instead work directly on the H3O+ ions

when we have ph base it wont have H3O+ ions only K+ and OH-...

i also am considering it could be impurities from the KNO3 electrolyte.. since i got it cheap and not high purity ...


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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #254 on: January 07, 2019, 22:18:14 pm »
i tried today the deionized water it were 0ppm but may have absorbed from the cell during the heating

it took a while but i could bring it to boil going up to 110v and the current started to rise after a while and than maintained around 1,5 amps

after i read the ppm was 77 and decreasing with the temperature last time still warm to touch it was 33

the temperature change the impedance of the cell greatly

today i tried the koh electrolyte it indeed conduct more current at a lower voltage... it start conducting200ma at 2v and rapdly increase at 6,2v it conducts 8amps

the problem is that it generate lots of foam... my potassium hydroxyde is at least 85% pure so maybe there is something helping the foam to appear .. perhaps a 99% pure would not make so much foam

it does not made the brown stuff but the foam is a pain in the ass as it takes some time to dissipate

than i took the yellow water with potassium nitrate and add 1g of potassium hydroxide bringing the ph to around 12 the water still yellow and now it conducts a little better and dont generate the brown stuff

i´m not sure if some of the nitrate didnt stay at the precipitate decanted on the botton of the cup i used to mix the ingredients...

adding more nitrate to the cell and some more koh solution mixing started doing some brown again

at this point the resistance of the cell at 4 volts is 0,5 ohm because i have 4 v rms and 8 amps rms ..

what i´m seeing is that the resistance is dependent on the voltage! so at a certain voltage it should drop to zero?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #255 on: January 07, 2019, 23:03:04 pm »
well.....almost zero.
Think about it, when you have 3 volts and 10 amps, then R = 0.3ohms
Thats close to deadshort....