Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77270 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2018, 14:58:28 pm »
i´m trying bro ... hahahah;..  now to figure out all i did wrong in the past and what and  why  didnt worked...

the pll is a part of it i guess

another part is to make the cell to behave as a resonant cavity that could have a Q factor or at least a folded antenna

i imagine two coax coils will be good to be able to test properly the theory of traveling electromagnetic waves and how it impact on water...

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2018, 17:05:40 pm »
maybe some coax like RG 316 will be good for it ... is a bit expensive here in brazil. its thinner than antenna cable and is 50ohms impedance

the lower the  impedance the greater will be the power its able to give to the water.. 

i guess the best strategy would be to hit it with a square wave @1/4 wavelengh  and have a full wavebridge at the end connected to the cell

in this mode the cell will receive double dc pulses every half cycle

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 18:55:45 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2018, 15:38:37 pm »
what frequencys do you think you need for such a small distange?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2018, 17:48:19 pm »
i believe its going to be something like 1 to 20khz depending on the cable and how its arranged... for example if we wind it on a iron former it may reduce the frequency  but will also increase the impedance somehow.. those 300m coils have a low frequency already but if we think about this TLs are even slower in speed so i believe it will be low ... this TLs speed are something around 66% of the speed of light...

there are high voltage insulation in this cables .. i saw some up to 10kv insulation ...

i would go for two coils with 100m to start with ,,,, than make tests over it about the pulse sincronization...

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Electrical Energy Recycling is possible?
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2018, 21:41:48 pm »
I came up with an idea ...

when a transformer is pulsed the primary will reflect the source voltage in the primary and also proportionally into other coils around the same core

i was thinking about one thing please tell me i´m not going crazy

when we use a battery it can be discharged and charged again when we reverse the potential so basically for current to flow back into it is necessary to apply a potential greater than it has,,

the main idea is the following

a primary with a center tap and a a transformer connected to a battery or a dc source with a big capacitor in parallel being pulsed...

than a secondary having a full wave bridge rectifier connected to it

the positive goes back to the center tap while the negative of the full wave bridge rectifier goes to the cell

the negative of the battery goes to the cathode of the cell

basically this will force the current that charges the cell to pass thru the battery

will it work?

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wondering alternator
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2018, 21:44:20 pm »
i wonder if the alternator wasn´t used for this reason... is possible to drive the alternator mechanicaly and electricaly

something like this

$ 1 5.0000000000000004e-8 37.11724081536377 33 5 43
r 320 256 320 112 0 1
v 96 160 96 80 0 0 40 100 0 0 0.5
v 144 272 144 208 0 2 5000 10 10 0 0.5
d 320 112 352 80 1 0.805904783
d 352 80 384 112 1 0.805904783
d 320 112 352 144 1 0.805904783
d 352 144 384 112 1 0.805904783
169 288 144 192 144 0 0.01 1.2 -2.6020852139652106e-18 -7.629126254644208e-7 -0.0000011057831893063197 0.99
g 96 160 96 192 0
g 144 272 144 288 0
f 144 176 192 176 0 5 0.02
g 192 192 192 224 0
w 192 144 192 160 0
w 192 112 192 48 0
w 288 80 352 80 0
w 288 144 352 144 0
g 320 256 320 272 0
z 208 208 208 144 1 0.805904783 500
w 208 144 192 144 0
g 208 208 208 224 0
r 96 80 192 80 0 0.001
r 144 176 144 208 0 20
w 192 48 384 48 0
w 384 48 384 112 0
o 0 64 0 4363 2.5 3.2 0 2 0 3
o 2 64 0 4099 20 0.00009765625 1 2 2 3
o 0 1024 0 4097 0.078125 12.8 2 2 0 3
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 00:28:17 am by sebosfato »

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Re: Electrical Energy Recycling is possible?
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2018, 10:25:01 am »
I came up with an idea ...

when a transformer is pulsed the primary will reflect the source voltage in the primary and also proportionally into other coils around the same core

i was thinking about one thing please tell me i´m not going crazy

when we use a battery it can be discharged and charged again when we reverse the potential so basically for current to flow back into it is necessary to apply a potential greater than it has,,

the main idea is the following

a primary with a center tap and a a transformer connected to a battery or a dc source with a big capacitor in parallel being pulsed...

than a secondary having a full wave bridge rectifier connected to it

the positive goes back to the center tap while the negative of the full wave bridge rectifier goes to the cell

the negative of the battery goes to the cathode of the cell

basically this will force the current that charges the cell to pass thru the battery

will it work?

It would work, ask bedini...
The more load you put on the secondairys the more load on the primary.
It would be a game changer if you found a way to break that connection....
Thrn make 10 secondairys to 1 primary and you have OU

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why did we disconsidered a coil in parallel with the cell?
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2018, 18:34:35 pm »
$ 1 5.000000000000001e-7 9.78399845368213 38 5 43
r 144 80 176 80 0 0.1
c 416 80 416 128 0 6.8e-11 9.483366119026106e-8
l 336 80 336 112 0 0.05 -2.730252080917329e-10
v 96 128 96 80 0 0 40 100 0 0 0.5
r 384 80 384 128 0 10000
T 176 80 272 128 4 0.02 5 3.4225010994463303 -2.007285127930648e-8 0.999
f 128 144 176 144 0 1.5 0.02
g 176 160 176 192 0
R 128 144 128 208 0 2 1000 10 10 0 0.5
g 96 128 96 144 0
d 272 80 336 80 1 0.805904783
r 176 96 176 80 0 5000
w 336 80 384 80 0
w 384 128 336 128 0
r 336 112 336 128 0 10
w 416 80 384 80 0
w 416 128 384 128 0
w 272 128 336 128 0
d 96 80 144 80 1 0.805904783
d 176 128 176 96 1 0.805904783
z 224 192 176 128 1 0.805904783 1000
r 224 192 288 192 0 100
g 288 192 288 224 0
o 2 64 0 4362 10240 0.025 0 2 2 3
o 1 64 0 4354 10240 0.05 1 2 1 3
o 0 64 0 4097 0.625 6.4 2 2 0 3
o 4 64 0 4355 10240 0.8 3 2 4 3
o 11 64 1 4099 1280 1.6 4 1 640
o 3 64 1 4355 160 1.6 5 1 640
o 6 64 0 12546 1163.9263814757994 0.0001 6 2 6 3