Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77181 times)

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the step down thing
« Reply #232 on: December 26, 2018, 00:14:50 am »
well we know that water behave as a capacitor just only up to 1volt or so

did anyone tried to apply really low voltages to it  instead of high ?

i plan to have the following test done

vic having 30v input than the primary has 200 turns secondary 20turns 2chokes 4 turns each
the chokes being on the same core and with subtracting polarity

the secondary will generate 3v and the chokes and diode will have a voltage drop of 1,5 volts so only 1,5 volts is applied to the water during pulse on at 30v input

during the pulse collapse the coils will discharge thru a second diode that allows their current to keep flowing after the pulse terminate...this diode being in parallel with the secondary and diode 1

in parallel with the series diode 1 can be useful a capacitor to double the voltage and or limit the collapse rise... it will double the applied voltage during next pulse on

each choke would have 0,6v at 30v input but during the collapse the water is going to see up to 20v depending on how much energy is accumulated on the core

if im not wrong its going to be one million times easier to find the water resonance under this conditions...

and since its applying very low voltage on water the leakage will be kept low but if resonance happen high current will flow with low power generating tons of gas

if we get a peak of 3 amps in at the collapse the chokes will make it become 150amps peak because of the relation 50:1 between the primary and the chokes... 200/4

i think the magic is here making the cell collapse because of resonance and combine with a coil collapse that flow a bunch of current at very low voltage

for that to happen resonance must be tuned... so perhaps another coil must be add to increase the inductance and or a capacitor can be add in parallel with diode 1 to help increase the voltage and regulate the frequency response... a capacitor should not be added in parallel with the diode 2 since its function is to conduct the current directly between the chokes so it can affect the cell directly

i think it could be made with an air core since its going to saturate anyway but a moving core would help make it more controllable since the power will depend on inductance and its going to be also a factor in the electrical resonance

combining the electrical resonance with the ion movement resonance seems to be the key to make the water become a short circuit resonating electrically to allow huge flow of current at ridiculous low dc voltage levels.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #233 on: December 26, 2018, 06:27:24 am »
it kind of  clear that if we are aiming to get a resonance v1 of the molecule to induce a symetric stretch on the molecule we must apply energy in a manner that it is in sync with this frequency even if only applied at sub harmonic frequencies .... the frequency is exactly 3227 cm-1 wavenumber or around 98.THZ for liquid water

so where did that come from ? wavelength of the diameter of the water molecule?

Resonant frequency of
Oxygen 261.616hz
Hydrogen 1420.40575Mhz

Some thoughts with harmonics find the harmonic that they both have in common, to me you would have to get 261.616 times 1420.4057mhz  at this frequency they would 

1420405700 x 2661.616 = 3,780,574,537,611.2  3.78Thz that is if you could generate it.

0.0000018738 hz again can you go that low

This would vibrate the hydrogen and the oxygen on the same frequency

The beast way is to heat the water to 3,000C 

well thats what I did.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #234 on: December 26, 2018, 13:37:29 pm »
Fabio, you can convert higher voltage to low voltage and high amperage if you desire, only using the coils.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #235 on: December 26, 2018, 20:13:43 pm »
it kind of  clear that if we are aiming to get a resonance v1 of the molecule to induce a symetric stretch on the molecule we must apply energy in a manner that it is in sync with this frequency even if only applied at sub harmonic frequencies .... the frequency is exactly 3227 cm-1 wavenumber or around 98.THZ for liquid water

so where did that come from ? wavelength of the diameter of the water molecule?

Resonant frequency of
Oxygen 261.616hz
Hydrogen 1420.40575Mhz

Some thoughts with harmonics find the harmonic that they both have in common, to me you would have to get 261.616 times 1420.4057mhz  at this frequency they would 

1420405700 x 2661.616 = 3,780,574,537,611.2  3.78Thz that is if you could generate it.

0.0000018738 hz again can you go that low

This would vibrate the hydrogen and the oxygen on the same frequency

The beast way is to heat the water to 3,000C 

well thats what I did.

yes Brian but i believe this is not the frequency i´m going to achieve... the resonance i´m talking about is that of the ions in the liquid...
how do you get 3000C?

Yes x blade , thats what im looking into too... step down but with spike collapse

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #236 on: December 27, 2018, 08:00:27 am »
no it is not the frequency on its own its the behaviour of the coil, at high frequency, and the current not being able to catch up so you end up with massive voltage spike sorry but hard for me to explain it has been 20yrs since I did this stuff.
All to do with the charging time of the coil.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #237 on: December 30, 2018, 19:50:18 pm »
i believe is possible to estimate the frequency depending on the ppm of course just an approximation given the model is correct

when we dissolve a ionic substance on water it ionises and the ions takes equidistant places to stay

therefore for a given concentration we could try to calculate the electric field required to induce resonance and the attraction force between them

of course water will have a damping effect but the higher is the ppm i assume the frequency is higher because it gets closer although the capacitance of the cell as a whole will increase decreasing a electrical resonance frequency... .a higher ppm will also mean it need a higher electric field to induce resonance, because the electric field must be bigger than that of the attraction of the ions for each other,,,

to find the distance i guess we need to find the volume occupied by each ion and cloud of counter ions and water molecules

than use the standard formula for the force to find the force holding them apart from each other (remember is a 3d problem)

i believe from that will be possible to calculate a spring constant linking the ions and from it and their masses the frequency !

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the distance
« Reply #238 on: December 30, 2018, 20:23:21 pm »
the distance in a 1 molar concentration solution is around 1.2nm

1 mili molar 12nm   
1 micromolar would be 120nm
1 nano molar 1200nm
and so on

using a potassium nitrate 1 milimolar would be 0.1 g per litre of water...

pure deionised water has a ph of 7 and a concentration of 10^-7M

« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 12:09:40 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #239 on: December 31, 2018, 05:51:32 am »
How do I get 3,000C  well that is a plasma project. 
Creating high voltage spike with little or no current that can be done.
The ion exchange or the ion path I believe is one of the ways to get some good HHO if that’s what you want.
Just add a bit of KOH powder, like many are doing, lowering the resistivity of the water and then you could use the voltage spike, high voltage but not kv’s, or then go to parallel system and use the high circulating currents.