Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77182 times)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #216 on: December 14, 2018, 17:25:00 pm »
i think that on meyer double coils there may be some things to think about... first of all is that a diode should be on the other side of the secondary too to block the interaction of the secondary with the negative choke.. the secondary will attract the electrons on that coil if a diode is not there so will not let it perform the best possible...

other way i see it is having two diodes also but not inline with the circuit but in such a manner that there is no diode in series during pulse on and when the pulse is off the energy accumulated in the input transformer and the coils are discharged in parallel on water forming a double frequency pulse...

the image will be in attachment 

things are interesting when the frequency is such that it has no time for the coils to discharge but one thing is interesting the voltage will should be higher than the input and is limited by cell resistance

this kind of system also will allow a dc bias while superimposing the dc over it...

i believe the bias is very important part of the thing... because of two reasons..

first it will set up a environment  of ions on the cell and second this current will interact with the pulsed current perhaps giving more effect than we imagine..

it can reset or even reverse the pole of the magnet depending on the amount

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Mystery of the shorted turns
« Reply #217 on: December 14, 2018, 20:43:43 pm »
I think the wiper arm in meyer drawing is something interesting too

the higher is the inductance of the shorted segment the longer will be the collapse of the fields..

when a coil is shorted into itself during pulse on it become like a power bank since will absorb energy however after the power is turned off it has its own discharge time so will kind of control the time it will discharge in the circuit

there is going to be current in the coil before receiving the next pulse too


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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #218 on: December 15, 2018, 01:02:36 am »
many thoughts today...

i guess now is time to work ...

things i believe are priorities are:

low voltage dc generator...low impedance (3x 50% duty cycle pulses spaced 120 degrees into 3 separated primaries having a secondary portion on every transformer connected in series)

frequency doubling charging choke system allowing the dc to be applied superimposed

Oh boy

i think i found something interesting here

meyer used resistive chokes claiming that the electric fields could make thru somehow if or while current is being restricted to a minimum


i just thought of something

if we are applying say 200vdc on the system to be fair lets say theres is 1 amps flowing and that its being dissipated among the water cell and the coils getting very hot.. at this very limit when superimposing a electromagnetic pulse on the coils if their limit of current is already achieved than no further current could pass but the electric field would increase

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The 3 phase DC generator
« Reply #219 on: December 15, 2018, 10:52:15 am »
i found how generate dc from 3 phase without diodes... it may need winding reset for a time but will work for a while

its 3 signals having 60% duty cycle distant 120degrees from each other like i explained before

the transformers are 3x 10:1  the load is a 1 ohm resistor
$ 1 0.0000010000000000000002 9.78399845368213 34 5 50
g 80 288 80 352 0
v 80 288 80 80 0 0 40 12 0 0 0.5
f 128 224 176 224 32 1.5 0.02
f 272 288 304 288 32 1.5 0.02
f 384 352 432 352 32 1.5 0.02
T 176 144 224 208 0 1 0.1 1.41150657378314 -1.3097893136967758 0.99
T 304 208 368 272 0 1 0.1 1.4060162789862791 -1.3097893136967758 0.99
T 432 272 496 336 0 1 0.1 1.409392141737517 -1.3097893136967758 0.99
g 176 240 176 272 0
g 304 304 304 320 0
g 432 368 432 384 0
w 80 80 176 80 0
w 176 144 176 80 0
w 176 144 176 176 0
w 176 176 304 176 0
w 304 176 304 208 0
w 304 208 304 240 0
w 304 240 432 240 0
w 432 240 432 272 0
w 224 144 224 96 0
w 224 208 272 192 0
w 272 192 368 192 0
w 368 192 368 208 0
w 368 272 400 256 0
w 400 256 496 256 0
w 496 256 496 272 0
w 496 336 560 336 0
w 464 96 560 96 0
c 560 96 560 336 0 0.00001 1.3075274291252283
R 272 288 272 336 0 2 1000 10 10 2.0943951023931953 0.6
v 128 288 128 224 0 2 1000 10 10 0 0.6
g 128 288 128 304 0
R 384 352 384 400 0 2 1000 10 10 4.1887902047863905 0.6
d 176 240 176 208 2 default
d 304 304 304 272 2 default
d 432 368 432 336 2 default
d 560 336 512 208 2 default
d 176 208 176 176 2 default
d 304 272 304 240 2 default
d 432 336 432 272 2 default
l 512 208 560 96 0 0.01 -1.7143566868298118e-7
r 560 96 624 240 0 1
w 624 240 560 336 0
403 432 400 560 464 0 32_64_0_4099_20_0.00009765625_0_2_32_3
w 224 96 304 96 0
w 464 96 304 96 0
o 32 64 3 4098 10 0.00009765625 0 1
o 28 64 0 20482 0.9798102986414506 0.0001 0 2 28 3
o 29 64 0 4099 20 0.00009765625 0 2 29 3
o 32 64 0 4099 20 0.00009765625 0 2 32 3

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #220 on: December 16, 2018, 08:39:00 am »
for the 3 phase signal i think is best to use an arduino

i imagine the following program

a counter that goes from 0 to 359 and return to zero where at 0, 120 and 240 the pulses a,b,c starts respectively and they can have a duration that goes from 0 up to maybe 180 pulses each...

the frequency can be controlled by the timing between each count...

with the arduino yet can be done another button for gating it...

i guess will be necessary to gate it somehow to allow the cores to reset...

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #221 on: December 18, 2018, 17:54:39 pm »
i was thinking over and over again and perhaps i found something..

A car battery is also what? a big capacitor right?

but a capacitor when connected to a load will get discharged and a battery would maintain a voltage due to the chemical reactions that are happening there

when we connect a voltage source to a load its going to flow current as result of the force applied to the circuit

but a coil can be manipulated in two manners externaly or internaly and the two result in two different things

when the power is applied to a coil in one direction directly the current will still in the same direction

when the power is pulsed from other coil externaly it will have both directions going

the electric field is reduced in a circuit when current is flowing due to resistive loss so there is a voltage drop

if the choke is in parallel with the cell and we apply the power thru a dc blocking diode we form a resonant circuit where the coil is in parallel with the cell but also in series with this coil there is a capacitor (battery or voltage source) with lots of charges accumulated to generate force withing the cell

no  power consumption  can result since we are applying it backwards so no problems with that its actually recycling

the dc component in a circuit like this would become a constant after a few time and than pulsing the coil directly thru a diode or a diode bridge would result in the same current from the dc but increased electric field because of the combination of the dc and the backemf of the coil

thereto i came to the conclusion that meyer used a capacitor or the batery itself as a source of electric filed and a coil between it and the cell than applied the power as to return to the battery but doing so the whole electric field of the battery or capacitor will make it thru the circuit 

the importance of having a high capacity is to have a higher force but perhaps the resonance will require too much current

the idea is that while the dc is trying to discharge into the cell thru the chokes you also pulse the cell with a higher voltage frequency and so it will modulate the electric field from the dc to the cell amplifying the effect of the dc current already present

the dc will maintain clouds of ions of opposite charges and very rapidly depending on the solution the ions will take off all the charge of the plates and reverse its polarity this is the game to play because here the voltage to do the electrolysis become negative ... should be like a real short circuit

a cell with saturated solution behave like a small inductor so a external capacitance could resonate with it perfectly

i believe that when the charging current is the same as the current being consumed from the dc source somehow the current will apear to be zero in the chokes but there is going to be ac current.. so current going in and going back (resonance)

a coil dont want to change its current so it respond with a opposite electromotive force electric field but if this coil is in series with a power source all this emf will sum up but without ability to flow much current but the voltage will be there so as the current

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #222 on: December 18, 2018, 19:03:26 pm »
With CEMF, the potential is at 180 degrees, but the current lags the input by 90 degrees.  Will this have any effect on what you're considering?  (Good for fusion, but not electrolysis.)

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #223 on: December 19, 2018, 01:55:22 am »
You may be right... i was considering that the coil would possibly sum its voltage with the dc voltage and my guess was that it would kind of direct the electric field from the capacitance to the cell boosting it.