Author Topic: Retry N1001  (Read 77180 times)

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High speed PID
« Reply #168 on: September 09, 2018, 11:08:46 am »
the gms injector program i created is very useful as i described it as a loop that can stabilize one parameter like injector time based on other factors like the defined rpm and sensors information

what i want to point is that this is the basis for many applications...

one could use it for achieving a water heater with constant temperature water output by control of ac power

but the basis is to adjust the parameters fast enough to have an fast response, and exploit the advantage of saving the values so the thing can learn as it goes ..

so next time its on it knows how long much it takes and get a more certain shot

a pid is a proportional integral derivative controler

the idea is to combine different ways to get the stability, one using an integral and other using a derivative

a derivative tells us the rate of change of a signal (realtime)

the integral can analyse how much of change happen for a specific time

for example this can be used to regulate the temperature of a water for cooking beer

when the water is cold and you set the temperature say 60C the heater will know that there is a big difference in temperature so it will send maximum power

however the system will  calculate at the same time how much is increasing the temperature over time and with this it can determine how much time is missing to achieve the desired temperature..

for example if the system is approaching the desired temperature it will start to reduce the power applied to slowly arrive at the specific temperature and not pass above it.

real life has capacitances and inductances and time and other behaviors that will help stabilize the output..

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #169 on: September 11, 2018, 10:29:44 am »
for the rpm sensor i´m planing to use a disk having  at  least 30  holes

than one infra red sensor will detect the light passing thru this holes as the disk turns... so the precision will be 2 rpm

at this same disk there may be another hole and respective sensor for the injector timing...

there is also one signal that the engine may have that can be useful that is the signal for the spark plug

the spark will be happening just after the injection signal.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #170 on: September 11, 2018, 22:51:58 pm »
i bought the generator.. its a gg2500... ferrari

paid 999 reais divided in 6 times of 166 R$

i start very easily with only one pull of the cord..

i started it some times and now i´m going to study the electrical connections it have..

it outputs 120v or 240v 62hz with no load at 3600 rpm

it seems the rpm is only controlled by the accelerator having only two positions one for start and one for run

i´m thinking that perhaps if i take the hz reading can be just enough for the circuit to calculate the rpm

since it should works at 3600 giving 60hz this mean that every second it turn 60 times..  and have 1800 injections cycles per minute..

the problem is that it would give a precision of ugly 60 hz so it may not reach stability very well

If you guys want to give me a hand for paying it or to buy the other stuff i will need like injectors, leds etc please this is
 the time..

i was thinking to use a pressure sensor to trigger the injection instead of another sensor on the rpm disk ... when it feels the vacuum open the injector for the determined time... this should simplify everything because as the motor shaft will have two turns for each injection.

there may be another disk on the motor turning a half rpm (to command the valves) but is inside the case

so i guess the pressure would be the less invasive and simpler approach...  if it work..

« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 01:04:38 am by sebosfato »

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #172 on: September 22, 2018, 13:35:36 pm »
I have studied the generator some more and found that the rpm seems to be adjusted mechanically thru a centrifugal mechanism, basically there is an accelerator that has a lever controlling the acceleration to maintain the rpm stable if loaded

this is a very smart system!

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #173 on: October 03, 2018, 23:32:12 pm »
how is it going, seb?

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #174 on: October 04, 2018, 19:47:10 pm »
Hello Sebosfato.
Search for SPEEDUINO. It is a free open- sourced ECU based on arduino mega 2560.
It is fully customizable and the code are commented.

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Re: Retry N1001
« Reply #175 on: October 13, 2018, 18:35:44 pm »
After almost two years fighting against a pancreatic cancer, my dad now is dead (8/8/48 -  10/10/18) . Our health plan is extremely expensive for our reality and however this last time he got into the hospital by his own foots and in my opinion they made a succession of mistakes regarding his treatment, in one week they basically gave morphine constantly increasing instead of solving the pain motivation .. thru a pump and on the day before the last day he was still talking  and eating but on that night the pains had to receive a greater dose of morphine but on the limit was not working so the sedated him so receiveing so much pain killers he in my opinion was led to a respiratory breakdown.. and they didnt gave him a way to breath.. i felt totally impotent and the hospital didnt even made an autopsy to report any errors in the treatment nor the exact reason of dead. the only thing on the obit report was pancreatic cancer metastatic.. but his lungs clearly failed and was almost certainly infected.

i feel terrible about this because first however my dad was in pain and was going to die soon or later he wanted a lot to live and we was hopping that they could find something wrong if the just tried to operate him again.. and secondly because me my brothers and uncles and unties could have the same condition and similar evolution in a near future and without an autopsy we actually dont know exactly how the disease progressed to the end;

my feeling is that my health care plan did an eutanasia to my dad with the excuse of relief of his pain but with the clear intention to save money!..

in one week he died, really seems like he was being poisoned since the first day.

hope you all dont have to pass thru this.

now he is under the earth and there is nothing i can do apparently..

(regarding the progress witth the hydrogen is slow because the lack of money and time unfortunately
my brother came down to sao paulo and is helping me to organize my lab ... i hope i can do something when the motivation come back.. . at least from now will be a little bit more organized..