the freq dividers has the function of giving other ranges of frequency preserving the bandwidth
for example if your center frequency is 100Hz this means the maximun frequency is 200hz and minimum frequency for ex 50Hz
the bandwidth is 150hz because it can lock from 50hz to 200hz ...this is wide
meyers says that the expected variance in resonant frequency is around 10% somewhere ... this mean that 150hz of bandwidth is good for a 1,5khz frequency range
so we need to set the r2 accordingly to get a off set in frequency.... reducing r2 increase the frequency but kind of maintain the bandwidth so i came up with the great idea
i´m going to make a kind of double potentiometer so as i increase the r1 i increase r2 proportionally.
this will change the frequency off set and the bandwith at same time... preserving the ratio.. .so when this is done for example for working from 10khz to 100khz than i can use the dividers and preserve the same ranges!