More proof reading corrections to my sheet, as an update.; Patent 3,98,053
col 8, line 4 1 MFD capacitor at 600-1000V rating.
col 8, line 10 20-25 Amp RMS/average rating for purchased High frequency type SCR as passing about 15amps from the Peak 22A pulse of Capacitor and rated 600 volt, due to fluctuations of power supply output volts of 300v.
col 8, line 17 OLD style TV type ferrite UU core set can be used and wires wound on bobbin that fits over both core legs. U cores and EE cores are much easier to work with . Windings have to be over each other, not on opposite halves cores. Ferroxcube 3C8 material had high inductance for windings .The larger the core, the less turns to wind for given inductance required. The less turns on primary allows for less winding turns on secondary side, because of better ratio. Various cores can be tested with same turns number and inductance meter for quality.