The flipflop oscillator could have been made by this first stage of an oscillator with a CD 4047 chip with flipflop gateways:
I.C CD4047 1p
Capacitor 0.01uF or 103 1p
Potentiometer 100K 1p
Resistor 220E 4p
Resistor 10K 2p
Resistor 330K 1p
The followed by a circuit that steers the SCR in the powerline to the anode.
See picture.
There must be an extra PNP transistor stage in front on that circuit from the pic, to make the scr switching at the same moment as the flipflip does.
The other output towards the 70kv coils will follow later....
In a later stage, i will add everything together to 1 circuit schematic for the ones not so well educated in electronics.
added: driver for ignition coil 70kv setup
TR1 Ignition Coil
T1 BFY51 Small Transistor
T2 = 4 pieces parallel 2n3055 Power Transistors
R1 100 Ohm Resistor
1N4007 will do but preferably a Schottky Diode
RC1 0.1µF Capacitor + 10K Resistor