8 ounces is 0.5 bar.
I have more pressure inside my body then that...hahahahahaha
All you've gotta do is look at the setting on his pressure switch.....If you don't know how to calculate inches of water to kPa and then kPa to psi then look up the part number of his pressure switch ...the instruction manual should help you learn how to do that.
The pressure switch he used has a bleed valve and a manual reset...His switch was set just under 8 ounces...
Theres no way Herman's cell maintained 30 psi.
Hi Kevin,
Its nice to talk about this. And also very nice to have these pics here.
I looked up the pressure switch relais.
If the setting didnt change, then we read around 8 Inches of water column.
The switch it self is from 5 till 35 inches of water column.
This changes my view on things completely.
Because 8 inches of water column is just barely pressure, is it?
0.02bar or 0.3 PSI.
Thats just a starting cell. No high pressures, just a tiny bit.
What are your thoughts here?