Author Topic: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication  (Read 24508 times)

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2016, 01:52:38 am »
I have here a coil that i have wrapped (single) on a tv flyback core that measures 1850mH, if i pulse it with a diode, on the off time i got an oscillation with 8330hZ.

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2016, 09:46:19 am »
If you look into "sperm wave" from ronnie walker you can see 2 things:

- Step charging into choke when pulsing
- Coil damping (oscillating) on gate at the same frequency that it was pulsed before, until almost no charge.

Maybe it can be charging the coil to an higher level and then discharged to exiter array.

which picture of Ron are you refering to?

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2016, 22:19:53 pm »
This one:


look into topic here, page 89:

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2016, 00:27:29 am »
i feel like i´m really too much educated when people come show this waveforms talks nothing about it and even claim to have working cells and i stay quiet... i use to call names for very much less than this...

but time makes us more calm...

i can do same waveform as this in 300 different ways...

this mean that if someone show you somthing and dont explain or show schmatic or dont want you to see or understand you should not waste time on it...

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2016, 12:41:18 pm »

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2016, 20:05:41 pm »
What i see here is an forced oscillation during the pulse time, rising in amplitude in KV range and then the "ringing" LC at same carrier frequency during gate (pulses off).

But it dont mean a working and producing cell

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2016, 20:50:27 pm »
This one:


look into topic here, page 89:

Im waiting on an account activation email to join to see...
That groups policies were if you share and dont explain do not  post.

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Re: Ronnie Walker (aka gpssonar) Replication
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2016, 20:51:04 pm »
=D i didnt meant to attack nor you nor anyone .... is just a point of view of the posture i had and have had having hahah

i think most of us working with huge coils could find the resonance point and when gating it seem just like that.....

i have something new

i have discovered why meyer used more than one vic or had more than 1 there to be used..

the question is not about providing enough current voltage to the cell

he certainly uses in parallel for increasing the force of the voltage fields... like paralleling a magnet.... since amps are restricted they dont add any amp it add only voltage fields at equipotential. but its analogous of having a thicker wire biggr coil...

the greater is the crossection area of the copper the greater is the free electrons available....

so for a same voltage induced a thicker wire would have more oposition to the primary field to maintain the atoms ``ionized " like stan mention than a thin wire... as such it is a bigger charge density formed at the extremities...

remembering magnetic potential is the sum of all magnetic fields..

voltage potential is the sum of all electric fields.. . voltage potential is measure by the force needed to bring this charges together...

Meyer talk about newtons law applied to electric circuit

so voltage is a force within the circuit and amps is what moves like the mass in the commom mechanics... the resistance or power dissipated is the part that does not become kinetic energy or the part that is dissipated as heat.... in the electrical case the kinnetic energy of the charges is the inductive energy amps times inductance... so the capacitance is analogous of a spring where it works by developing an increasing voltage for each electron added..

Last night i made a drawing where the chokes have a commom core and are pulsed... not bifilar... each choke has a parallel capacitor like stan show in the techbrief vic impedance image.

now the chokes connect on both side of the cell one side with the dot and the other not..

than a diode and an external coil (amp inibhiter coil) closes the circuit...

from what i see if the amp inibither coil is there it acts to create the amp restriction and as it reverses its voltage it will sum with the capacitors voltage and create a double pulse...

i was thinking about this cause and effect differences... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ... when a coil is the secondary it will have a current in both directions as the magnetic field rise and fall but when the coil is a primary the current is always in one direction ...