Author Topic: Nano Pulse Electrolysis  (Read 11657 times)

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2015, 05:55:49 am »

Had another read on O.U.R , a few cries for Les to show evidence of a motor running on gas .
back in 1998 there was a VHS video of Les series cell rumbling away , he had it hooked up to a generator which by memory ran by a needle and valve .  I cant remember all the details all that mattered to me was that the video was showing a motor running on gas.
why Les hasnt mentioned that video I dont know , maybe film was owned by Barry Hilton or Ian hacon

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2015, 23:08:21 pm »
sorry massive i think you dont understood well the sithyristor block the voltage but it can only do that if you first stop the current it wont triger alone...

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2015, 00:25:42 am »

have you looked at the japanese circuit ? it is only representation , not actual circuit. 

The SITh is normally ON device , the gate is to turn it OFF, it is not a standard SCR .  it is triggered by  a negative signal to gate , not positive .

these arent available anywhere , I havent seen one and neither has anyone on the forums .
it is also called = Feild Controlled Diode FCD .

the japanese diagram has a pulse signal representing main circuit signal , not AC rectifying

I have SCR , I cant see how they could be substituted for SITh , that is why Les Banki used mosfet IXTX20N150 1500V 20A .

Peterae donated 10 circuit boards ,Les maybe 10 boards, no one has responded on O.U.R thread, does that mean no one has even bothered?   what a waste

the SITh is specifically - static INDUCTION thyristor , how does this work ? no one has any experience with one . the trigger circuit is only represented by a diode in the circuit diagram , that doesnt mean it is an actual diode only that a negative signal will pass to the gate and most likey a separate circuit

on electronics forums most techs WONT discuss HV components because of HV dangers , obviously a HV component is ony associated with a HV circuit
chances are they would have no experience with the device either

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2015, 14:58:02 pm »
I read some, but it was already few months ago and i would not be so certain of all.. but from the papers i found on GTo[s and Siths i found that the thiristor is something that is good for trigering a pulse... never a switch...

the mosfet you see in series is what allow the current to stop and allow the sith to stop the current... it won't stop the current even if you trigger it if the current don't fall below a certain level first...

the advantage of this specific part is that the structure of the gate and the current it allow to flow thru the gate is enough to block the high voltage that would kill the transistor..

thats what i remember of it... i doing lot of stuff now related to getting the money for my probe... the video of my project to get the crowd funding to help...when i will be more relax with all going i can go back there and find this papers for you... but is nothing that can't be found on internet...

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2015, 00:31:46 am »

this article has a photo of a portable pulse set with a car battery .

"the interesting point of this circuit is that with out any separate gate control circuit , the SIThy is turned off by forcing the device current to flow through its gate ,resulting in fast extraction of the carriers and the current cut off. Therefore , although the circuit control is carried out by using the FET , it is the SIThy that holds the induced voltage by L and plays the role of an opening switch."

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2015, 04:08:43 am »
yes massive right there... thats what i mean... the fet cuts the current and the sity create an open ckt at aross the primary but holding the high voltage into the structure... not going to the fet,,,  saving the fet in some way from the peak

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2018, 13:26:58 pm »
 hi just had a quick glance here Les Banks was in our group 20yrs ago cleaver guy.

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Re: Nano Pulse Electrolysis
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2018, 16:00:25 pm »
Ok you have been asking about this

The static induction thyristor (SIT, SITh) is a thyristor with a buried gate structure in which the gate electrodes are placed in n-base region. Since they are normally on-state, gate electrodes must be negatively biased to hold off-state. it has low noise, low distortion, high audio frequency power capability. The turn-on and turn-off times are very short, typically 0.25 microseconds.

 Why it was brought out and by the japs was for some goo HIFI amps fast switching push pull stuff
So when you want hi frequency pulses fast switching that is why they want to use them I suspect.

Here is some stuff on them
I will try to post then have not done it here for some time
if you look at the push pull amp and the bridge amp    so the inductor is the speaker and the cap in one of then s the cell I will have to wait until I have posted it to see better and explain  you can get these