Hello Steve.
The transformer relationship of impedance ratio to turns ratio is:
Npri/Nsec = √Zpri/Zsec
First you need to know your impedance of the circuit on secondary, and I THINK that you need to calculate it in the lowest value that it can achieve. obvious that frequency will change the overall impedance.
Get the resistive value of the coils, and use the 78.54 or 80 as the cell resistance, sum all and you have the circuit resistance.
Some people said that at resonance the circuit is pure resistive(Russ and Ronnie Walker).
Since you get the impedance of the secondary network, wind your transformer according to it.
BE AWARE: Transformers are not simply turn ratio!
Forget about Meyer primary resistance, it doesnt mean anything, only if you have the same core and the same wire, otherwise forget it.