So, i now measured the output of the secondairy coil in my VIC.
I got a nice sinewave out of it at 25khz.
Output voltage unloaded, just my scopeprobe: 200VAC at 12Vdc inout till 600VAC at 31Vdc.
Fabio, when i remove the diode from across the primary, i get a little bit more output on the secondairy, without disrupting the sinewave.
I also took a little gap between the two core parts of about 5mm. That helped out as well.
I now have to modify 1 capacitor in my PWM, as the 25khz is almost as high as it goes now. Small modification, but needed.
So, i can understand that Meyer used a 600V diode as VIC diode with his setup!!!!!
Now, up to my chokes. Will start with equal lenghts, as my 4 cell waterfuelcell in series should be also equal in metal surface....