Author Topic: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..  (Read 152683 times)

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #152 on: May 07, 2015, 04:31:27 am »
just so you know i dont recieve any money for any of them boards.. once or twice toward the beginning.. few hundred  i did but thats it.. I dont care to make money on it!!!!! and i havent!!!!! i made stuff max had more made and wanted to sell them to other people so they could try it too... i focused on working with the vic circuit.. never got it to work.  why do you keep trying to fight? this is my last message for now because i dont have time for negative energy.

Not a fight bro, I just am the kind of person to stand up for what is right, all everyone does is butcher Stan's work, claim they know how it works....when in reality it is the contrary ....That is very annoying to just happen to be teamed up with a douche bag Liar, max miller....guilty by association old saying me your friends you are showing me yourself...

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #153 on: May 07, 2015, 04:36:31 am »
Well Neal im guilty by affilation you say.  i talk to max like once every month... . Im sorry you to had a fall out and seem to like to handle it by yelling on the internet.. but i dont understand why its directed toward me LOL

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #154 on: May 07, 2015, 04:39:14 am »
Well Neal im guilty by affilation you say.  i talk to max like once every month... . Im sorry you to had a fall out and seem to like to handle it by yelling on the internet.. but i dont understand why its directed toward me LOL

I did not start anything...But I will finish it if necessary

Wait a minute , Are you not a partner in greenwater ??
With max miller per ritter ed chanson ??

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #155 on: May 07, 2015, 05:12:03 am »
I'm going to post my final reply here, I was posting our work here so people could see a true replication of Stan Meyers work. Something you want see from anyone else. They will only be 3 of Stan's complete systems in the world when we get done, I will have one, Neal will have one and Quad City will have one if they still have it. What set's Neal and I aside from everyone else including Quad City, is I know how to make the gas, and I have shared that information with Neal. I am not here asking anyone to buy our boards or follow our footsteps, I was here to document and show our work. For most people this kind of project is to expensive for them, That's why people only build parts and pieces of it and expect it to work. I don't know you or anything about you outlawstc other than you drew a few boards and Max sold them. Whether they was right or wrong only matters to the people that bought them. If they had something wrong with them just remember your name was tied to them. Someone ought to make them right for the people that bought them. As far a Max Miller goes I have no use for him at all, and for good reasons. Max got enough money from Ed Chanson for what I was told to make a complete system for just about everyone, But instead he chose to go through it like candy and buy a couple O'Scopes with the money, Max got one, and I wonder who got the other one? 60,000.00+ per scope is a lot of money to pay for a scope. And didn't have not one of Stan's units made out of the money. If people gets tired going in circles and making things that keep doing the same thing, Look us up you know where to find us.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:32:11 am by R.Walker »

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #156 on: May 07, 2015, 09:48:18 am »
Hi Guys,

I have really no idea what is now going on here.
It seems to me that you are fighting an old fight with lots of frustration.
This forum and me, have nothing to do with that fight.

Ron and Neal,  i am happy to see that you are building the GSM unit, as you also have stated to have a working cell.
If others like to try it differently, then also fine, i suppose.

I have stated thru the years always the same thing:
On this forum, i would appreciate it when people stay civilized and keep their focus on technology.
Thats how we can learn from each other and not making the same mistakes.

Just get this technology, when proven, into the world.......
Thank you.


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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #157 on: May 07, 2015, 14:26:29 pm »
No disrespect to you brother.
There is not really a fight going on, It is just simply the truth being told . The truth about people needs to be known. We were sharing nicely our progress.
Then out of nowhere we were attacked by slade, perhaps approached aggressively is a better way to put it. Either way, we are good guys working tirelessly so the world can truly be a better place, with no expectation of a return on investment, and I will not allow, or accept anyone trying to blur the truth for people, I have learned a lot of lessons during my time in this research, The main lesson for me is that sheep come in wolves clothing posing as good people. Greed is what most researchers really are about. Evil presents itself in all forms.

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #158 on: May 07, 2015, 15:07:58 pm »
No disrespect to you brother.
There is not really a fight going on, It is just simply the truth being told . The truth about people needs to be known. We were sharing nicely our progress.
Then out of nowhere we were attacked by slade, perhaps approached aggressively is a better way to put it. Either way, we are good guys working tirelessly so the world can truly be a better place, with no expectation of a return on investment, and I will not allow, or accept anyone trying to blur the truth for people, I have learned a lot of lessons during my time in this research, The main lesson for me is that sheep come in wolves clothing posing as good people. Greed is what most researchers really are about. Evil presents itself in all forms.

Ok Neal. Thanks for the explanation.
Keep on going with the good work!
So will I  ;) ;) ;)
Still winding coils here  :-X


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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #159 on: May 07, 2015, 15:20:27 pm »
Winding coils......A job everyone ;) ;)