Author Topic: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..  (Read 152684 times)

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #136 on: May 06, 2015, 11:35:12 am »
Thanks Steve for clearing that issue up for us, Neal an I have great respect for you an your forum. Neither one of us are here to cause any trouble at all.. We are here to spread the word of our progress of our true replication of Stan Meyers work. We not only post our work here but on other forums as well. As you know we have our own forum that we post our work on too. There is no better way to document someones work than to have it documented in several different places, especially for those that accuse people of stealing their work . It's also a great way to keep Everyone informed on what we are doing and the work we are putting into the replication. We are doing what no one has ever tried to do before as you can see in the photo's we have posted. If you ever feel that we are doing something wrong here please feel free to let either one of us know. Again thanks for the fast reply and your support in helping us get out our hard work that we are putting into this project.

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #137 on: May 06, 2015, 21:52:45 pm »
I was not trying to start anything.. yesterday i remembered we had past problems on this forum where people were getting annoyed by off topic posts in personal threads.. I was just bringing attention to that to see if steve was okay with it... I posted my picture in the same post i brought it up in not to be a smart ass.. but to simply show the finish result of the circuit i posted earlier on.. and after steve reponded to my last post i was gonna tell him to feel free to delete my post to clean up his thread..

As for the thought that im jealous.. lol thats not the case.. Yall can go ahead and make the GMS unit and finish it all out. if i wanted to i could have done it over 2 years ago.. But i didnt see the need.. Even today if i had a working cell i would not see the need.. since im knowledgeable enough now to make the same function but with WAY less components and space.. Ive reached a point a few years back of being able to make (engineer) circuits based on my ideas and not just copy them...

Ive talked to neal a few times when he added me on face book like a year or so ago.. but then him and max fell out and neal unfriended me LOL..   Im disliked by association by neal and ronnie.. thats fine though. Does not bother me lol..

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #138 on: May 07, 2015, 01:01:14 am »
I was not trying to start anything.. yesterday i remembered we had past problems on this forum where people were getting annoyed by off topic posts in personal threads.. I was just bringing attention to that to see if steve was okay with it... I posted my picture in the same post i brought it up in not to be a smart * .. but to simply show the finish result of the circuit i posted earlier on.. and after steve reponded to my last post i was gonna tell him to feel free to delete my post to clean up his thread..

As for the thought that im jealous.. lol thats not the case.. Yall can go ahead and make the GMS unit and finish it all out. if i wanted to i could have done it over 2 years ago.. But i didnt see the need.. Even today if i had a working cell i would not see the need.. since im knowledgeable enough now to make the same function but with WAY less components and space.. Ive reached a point a few years back of being able to make (engineer) circuits based on my ideas and not just copy them...

Ive talked to neal a few times when he added me on face book like a year or so ago.. but then him and max fell out and neal unfriended me LOL..   Im disliked by association by neal and ronnie.. thats fine though. Does not bother me lol..

Steve answered the issue of posting here for all of us, So that is water under the bridge now. What I find odd about your comment that you were able to build the GMS unit over two years ago. I guess my question is why haven't you? People here and all over the world would love to know what the GMS unit does and how it works with the VIC unit and Cell. If I were to ask you questions about each and every board in the GMS unit, are you saying you could answer every question I ask you? If I were to ask you questions about some of the parts and traces and caps and resistors that are hidden you could tell me what they are? In some other thread or even on our own forum if you like, I would like to challenge your knowledge on some of these questions. I would like to see a thread started here with you explaining each and every board in the GMS Unit and what it does,It would help a lot of people get their cells working. It is easy for anyone to say they could have built the GMS Unit over two years ago once someones is doing it. The same goes for, If I made public how to make the gas, there would be someone that would say they were doing it over two years ago also. One person comes to mind when I say this and I'm not referring to you when I say it. What I am trying to say here is, Neal and I have studied each and every board in the GMS and the VIC unit. We know where every trace goes, what value every cap and resistor is, where every wire goes, we have put many hours and days on each and every board. We know exactly what each and every board does and what signal goes where and how it effects the VIC unit and other parts on the buggy. There is a lot of people just waiting for us to release each board just to get the parts and traces they can't see. So that brings me back to the first question. If you could have built this two years ago, why are people still waiting on the part and traces they can't see? Why haven't you shared this with everyone here and else where? Believe me they are people wanting and waiting on this information. Let's be honest here, if you could have built the GMS unit then you would know the VIC unit will not work without the GMS unit. Every board in the GMS unit has something to do with the signal going to the VIC unit which goes to the cell. People has tried for years to bypass the GMS unit. I'm not here to say that it can't be done, but it is a lot of hard work to do it. But I'll be the first to say that before anyone get's a VIC to work with a cell they will be back tracking their self back to the GMS Unit.

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #139 on: May 07, 2015, 01:13:59 am »
Hello Ronnie

I think what outlawstc tried to say is that we could measure and mix and inject the gases using whatever ckt we want even maybe simpler than the ckt created by stan. Of course stan ckt is worth in whatever car, new or old... but is a must for old cars since it allow full flexibility on instal.

Stan didn't meant the Gms unity for comercial use, that was a pre-engineering unity that was used to test what were to be miniaturized. 

I'm constructing one too, however i also miss all those components and traces of the other ckts... i was hopping to get it somehow or to simple create from scracth all the functionalities... of course is a good idea to see what meyer did before i try my way.. .

anyway shouldn't be that hard

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #140 on: May 07, 2015, 01:29:03 am »
Hello Ronnie

I think what outlawstc tried to say is that we could measure and mix and inject the gases using whatever ckt we want even maybe simpler than the ckt created by stan. Of course stan ckt is worth in whatever car, new or old... but is a must for old cars since it allow full flexibility on instal.

Stan didn't meant the Gms unity for comercial use, that was a pre-engineering unity that was used to test what were to be miniaturized. 

I'm constructing one too, however i also miss all those components and traces of the other ckts... i was hopping to get it somehow or to simple create from scracth all the functionalities... of course is a good idea to see what meyer did before i try my way.. .

anyway shouldn't be that hard

What i am saying Fabio, is the signal that goes to the VIC unit and to the cell starts from the GMS unit. There is only so much you can bypass and still get the VIC unit to work. People has tried this for years and years. Question is can this all be shrunk down into a micro controller. The answer is yes, once you understand the complete system,, But you can see where making parts and pieces has gotten everyone over the years. Going around in circles. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting something to change. All i am trying to say is build it Stan's way then make changes once you understand how things to work. To get Stan's system to work you must first understand the complete system first.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 01:45:56 am by R.Walker »

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #141 on: May 07, 2015, 02:57:49 am »
yea the vic board needs a gated signal.. the amplitude control has nothing to do with resonance.. freq and amplitude are independent to each other in the process according to stan i believe he mentions in the tech brief.. but i also made the amplitude control.. All its doing is creating a voltage level based on throttle position. i have videos of a operational Vic with these circuits in action.
I also have a board that has the freq gen, analog voltage gen and the gated pulse gen.

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #142 on: May 07, 2015, 03:02:14 am »
In total agreement!

In my point of view the GMS is simply a mean stan created to generate the gas, meter, mix and inject the gas along with exhaust and ambient air to the engine.

for that if i'm not far from understanding, Stan used a frequency that is used to resonate the cell and gated it at a frequency governed by the rpm of the engine, such to create the trigger signal for the injectors, adjust the phase relationship of the shaft position and the accelerator circuit to change the pulse width of this signal to create a situation of high rate of production of gas of changing speed and a minimum (idling) .

another way i see it doing, is the frequency of the rotation directly increase the duty cycle of the gating signal if the gate frequency cannot be as high as the frequency derived from rpm... anyway 1000rpm should make 8.333hz if we are not multiplying it...

I guess the basic gate ckt (subharmonic of the resonant freq) acts only up to the engine start rotating... Maybe?

So in basic basic we could have the signal coming from the distributor and change the phase mechanically to simplify..

with few monostable timers we can set the timing for the injectors.. .

Of course there is also the safety needs like pressure sensing to stop the thing in case it reachs it .. and some others,..

i think stan dist cards are maybe used to let two cylinders working on gasoline and switch to water in an instant.. .would help if the car could stay on with a couple of cylinders and left the others for exclusive experimenting..

but as stan said kiss or you won't make it true

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #143 on: May 07, 2015, 03:18:20 am »
Right and the injector control being based on the distributor circuits signaling, To prove the process is valuable and worth proceeding you simply need the circuits i mentioned in the prior post... and if you get them to work then the economical approach to running a engine is not stans GMS... It would be the microcontrollers and smaller components..