Hey there, i'm wondering where you all got your 2.4Wh/l from.
After Faraday's law the Voltage has nothing to do with the electrolysis, i am confused a bit.
I calculated it myself after the Faraday equation,
m/M = I * t / z * F
and i get
Vh2o2 = I * t * 1,7425 * 10^(-4) litres/Coulomb, (same parts O2 and H2, which doesn't fit really... hm)
example: 1 Amp; 1 hour (3600s)
0,6273 litres < 2/3 litres
Someone one got more information on how to calculate the efficiency? Or how do i get to 2.4 Wh/l ?
edit: I found a good site for calculcating the efficiency: