Geon meyer certainly hidden things. thats for sure. He would not give anyone any chance to get close enough to his system to see it and understand it.
Meyer clearly stated the solution is to generate energy from water otherwise the system won't run..
he clearly stated that he used multiple system thereto not contained into a single patent.
he also clearly says that water become the electron source to power the system ... but would not tell where those 100 amps 100 volts were from.
he clearly states that he uses a pulse voltage wave form to get into resonant action to achieve gas on demand
he deliberately use the choke word to tell you he was mixing DC and pulsed voltage to achieve the pulsing wave form.
He stated that stainless steel was enough and that means that probable platinum is not required.
He explains many things in a manner that is possible to "understand" what he says but he never really explain how he really do the thing.
I believe he mixed many concepts thru the patents to try to confuse anyone trying to follow them. Thats why i took the opposite way. I decided to understand whats happening in there and design the circuit based on my assumptions of what is required for that to happen. Of course i always do a matching follow up research in my brain to try to find the similarities it can have to meyer design and where and why he might have hidden things... but i don't limit myself there.
I guess the idea now is to construct all the recent ideas i had. to see why they won't work and learn more from there.
He clearly states that he applies the voltage ahead of current this can be only done with induction! who agree with that?
There are of course other opinions many people have fight many threads because of my crazy ideas about meyer being a lier hehe but i really believe he was not stupid at all to even mention the very secret part required for it to work. He could even done that but in a manner to not attract attention to it just to play around but as he was really serious person i doubt he ever mentioned it.
Geon you forget that you charge the inner plate but the outer plate also the water inside and outside all the way to ground get polarized because i'm assuming you are charging relative to ground. The potential at the inner electrode is going to be higher than the potential at the outer electrode so theres a diference of potential in such a way that if you actually connect a wire between the inner and outer capacitor the charges in the inner capacitor want to go to the outer capacitor, so is a situation that is going to reach equilibrium somewhere. well i tried applying high voltage in many ways to the water and never got higher than 1000 volts... so i think that meyer was talking about something else.
Again in your situation lets assume you got water between those eletcrodes than you get the following situation the negative ions get attracted to the positive charge plate, the positive ions in turn get repelled from it, if you connects the wire the electrons cannot flow because the positive zone attracts the electrons inside the wire too and probably more than it attract the electrons from water, and nothing should happen...