Author Topic: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained  (Read 16927 times)

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Re: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2014, 12:19:12 pm »
No i meant across the transistor... for protection...

Yesterday i fixed the frequency generator and improved the cell design, today i'm finishing the cell and i'm going to look after some pure water to get to test it right.

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Re: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2014, 07:29:55 am »
Men, my physicist friend just came to visit my lab... He is very interested and in about 2 weeks we are going to examine my theories about the resonant action and other stuff i'm being into to try to understand ok if it work but where the energy should come from? Thats going to be a major step since understanding this is going to allow better understanding of the mechanism that generate the energy.

I'm very happy and full of energy now. But incredibly conveniently an avalanche of work came thru this week and i'm damn with sadly very limited time to spend on the project.

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Re: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2014, 22:04:49 pm »
gravitational field can create energy.. electrons going up a conductor gain free gravitational potential energy... I thought you were studying physics??? I haven't finished with physics yet.

if 2 ions are moving parallel with different speeds then that hooper force might come to play...  :P

 2 beams of charges having different parallel velocities then there's a force that attracts the beams together.

even if energy can't be created and then if the electrons and other subatomic particles can't be attracted to earth is because they're not dielectrics, what is gravity? (not what textbooks say)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 22:23:36 pm by geon »

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Re: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2014, 11:28:43 am »
Geon, i understood well?

The hopper force happens when you got 2 opposite polarity ions going in the same direction but with different velocities?

In what direction goes the force?

I had an idea yesterday and created a new thread. Water coil!

To use electromagnetic induction to move the iOnS thru the medium...  "generating electricity" while generating the gas...

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Re: Resonant Action (the Resonant choke system) Explained
« Reply #36 on: March 13, 2014, 23:49:51 pm »
its actually the impulse and not the force... with lorentz law you can arrive to this two charges moving create a moving magnetic field that affects the movement of the other charge because force is exerted...if you use a lorentz transformation with both speeds the same the normal F=qv x B is zero because v1=v2 but when the speeds are different there's an impulse or if you integrate force exerted ... the polarity of the charges must be the same... in an electron beam the outer electrons never have the same speed as the inner electrons and because of that the beam is actually concentrated when in high voltages .. its the coulomb repulsion versus this force ... and I saw some interesting facts about nitrogen diatomic, it has a distinct atomic orbital that aligns to an electric field when atoms move in the direction of the spark they come together and new atomic species are created , and what about gravity how is this possible electrons can go up without being affected by gravity gaining gravitational potential energy... if now you say that the electrons are pulled by earth when they accend then the same applies when they descend and energy is created... from nothing.. just massive bodies. is gravity electrical??

molecules are tiny dielectrics

the force brings the charges together
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 00:13:29 am by geon »