"Americium-241 is a radioactive isotope used in household smoke detectors. If you were looking at an individual americium-241 atom, it would be impossible to predict when it would decay. However, if you have a large collection of americium atoms, then the rate of decay becomes predictable. For americium-241, it is known that half of the atoms decay in 458 years.
Therefore, 458 years is the half-life of americium-241. The half-life is the time it takes for one half of the atoms in any sample to decay."
" The emitted alpha particles ionize gas molecules in the air. As a result, an electric current flows through the detector. When smoke particles enter the detector, the flow of ions is interrupted,causing the alarm to sound."
So, now the million dollar question: Can we use AM241 to create with Hydrogen H2 molecules a bigger molecule thru ionization? AMH2?
I have collected with help of a friend some AM241 samples from smoke detectors. How would you setup a proper test?