As a result of my saying that I would testify on TechZombie's behalf if Aaron sues him for libel - for saying that Aaron is a liar and steals other people's work - Murakami put up a YouTube video in which he makes a lot of reckless statements about me and my character. The focus of the video is my testamonial that he banned me from his forum for plagiarism, although he presents it with much harsher language and absurd denial. Here is the proof he says I haven't shown.
As I had stated at his forum, I knew Aaron was going to try to shut me down with his fradulent copyright if I tried to present more of my research. So I started by saying that my circuit does not produce a plasma, and drew in the correct discharge sequence. I showed as plainly as reasonalbly possible that my circuit is not the ignition coil Water Spark Plug circuit, and operates differently. in this thread: expected, he immediately started accusing me of plagiarism, which he now says never happened: charges of plagiarism: he kept going on and on and on. there it is in black and white, I was "removed" for "blatantly plagiarising" Aaron's 'copyrighted' circuit. And he says a lot of other things, in his video, which are nothing short of malicious and downright wicked. Several people gave his video a thumbs up, showing his damage to my reputation.
And he also lied on his forum when he said that none of my posts were censored, which I have already proven with screenshots.
Murakami also proclaims that NONE of my circuits work (7:01 in the video), and that I've never shown anything with my circuit. He can't be serious, so he must be knowingly lying.
The video concludes that, being a liar for saying I was expelled for plagiarism, and that I have achieved certain things with my research, my low life character makes me an unsuitable witness for TechZombie's charge that Aaron Murakami steals other people's work. This on top of his plainly stating in message #2010 that he has the right to publish, for his own profit, all of my copyrighted material which is published anywhere on the Internet:
"Any thing I copyright and post here or elsewhere for the world to see is available for anyone to do with as they please. I can't stop anyone from making money with them because they're not patented and furthermore, anyone who does use them to make money if they choose to doesn't have exclusive right to it meaning ANYONE else can use them to make money too.
"This 100% applies to anything you have posted, period, end of story." callous attitude is one step short of him believing that he has the right to put his OWN NAME on someone else's published work. And that's exatcly what he did, with my Ed Gray Test Circuit drawing, putting HIS OWN NAME on Gray's interrupter switch.
So who is a liar and also a thief? Banning me for showing Gray's switch in my own circuit proves he stole that drawing from me. That's my Test Circuit and I should have the right to discuss the function of Gray's switch, relative to my experiments.
At 18:11 in the video, Murakami says: "He is a LIAR." At 18:50 he states: "I never accused him of plagiarising my work". Then, at 18:56: "He was banned because he got out of hand with the attacks and insults and everything." And at 23:13 he says: "You can see who the nut case is and it's Jerry Vollard." (I'm getting pretty tired of him mispronouncing my name. He shows complete disrespect for me, as a patent holding Inventor, a Free Energy worker, and as a person.)
To be continued.