I live in an agricultural area. The result is fertilizers leach into the water. My water has a slightly acidic PH.
Also my home is almost 70 years old. Even though I have replaced all of the plumbing, I bet there are a lot of old pipes here, and I live at the bottom of the sub-division. As a result, I may get contaminates from my neighbors too. I don't drink tap water here, even though it tastes good and comes from a beautiful spring.
The point is, when I put this tap water into a cell, it really reacts. Even if you have really super clean tap water, it's a good idea not to recommend it. Most communities sell filtered water cheaply. At least do a PH test. A dissolved solids tester can be had for a reasonable price. If your PH is not neutral, then your not much different than the guy using a slight amount of lye, etc. in distilled water.