I wanna make a new WFC. A wfc without the need for chemicals.
So the goal is set. I wanna make a platecell that is so efficient as possible without the use of chemicals.
Great, you'll be the first to do this! that is, perform the test needed to be performed.
Fact 1:
The WFC must be connected to a 12V powersupply.
As we know, the voltage drops a bit when you hook up a wfc. In my case to a 9 Volts on my current wfc.
voltage should not drop, i assume you're using a power supplie and not a direct DC source such as a car battery. When you hook a load across the battery the Voltage across the load should remain about 12, if your voltage drops then either your battery isn't much good for the test or your test load simply conducts to much, you don't want your cell to act just like a wire arching both of the terminals creating a dead short, of course this will cause volts to drop if conduction is to great. The conduction on just 1 of your cells alone shouldn't cause your voltage to drop much at all, if you get a drop with all cells and not one its a sign of a dead short or close to it.
Fact 2:
Use of material is set to be SS 304 and not 316. To be honest, i do not see any difference on smuck. Actually, my best tube cell is done with 304 and not with 316.
you may already know this, but just in case the smuck you refer to is comming from your SS tubes and not from the water, this is from hard running of Direct DC. Pulsed DC tends to be cleaner. 304 and 316 is both allows, meaning a mix of diff types of metals. i am still unsure how 304 differes from 316.
Question 1:
What is the ideal voltage across a cell (without the use of chemicals)
This cant be answered by use, you'll have to tell us from test, this is the point isn't it? this is a new breed of cell configeration where you want the cell to act as a capacitor. in the past we see that amps do work and volts are litterly useless. bob boyce series cell could possible take on a charge greater than the voltage driving his cell, i cant be sure. Anytime you charge a Capacitor with a frequency then the voltage across the capacitor should be more than double even triple the voltage you're using to charge the capacitor with. So it is for you to rule In or Rule out Low voltage high amps, or High voltage Low amps. As i said, you my friend is the one testing this so it is you that will bring forth this information we are not yet sure of.
Question 2:
What is the ideal gap between the plates (without use of Chemcals)
i can only comment, for one the problem is you need additives, since you're not using additives i would assume you want the gap as close as you can possibly get then, i wouldn't go over 1 neutral Plate. i would also have it to where you could hook all cells without neutral plates just to confirm stuff and help you understand more about what you're doing. let you see how its conduction etc,,. Also if you do use neutral Plates, BE SURE that when you hook your cell up, you just dont go Aww it dont work and unhook it. i remember when i first constructed my new tubes i was dissapointed, but i ran them for a min or to and it just sucked, the next comming min the gas started to pour off.. But you're working with a series cell here i assume, "Give it a few min's to charge" before you rule it out. also it is possible to condition your tubes like bob boyce does to gain a desirable conduction.
Question 3:
Plate setting. Does neutral plates have a function if you do not use chemicals?
Should I go for a +-+-+- setting?
yes, the function is if you don't use chemicals you'll see an amp drop, gas production is OK and unknown by 1 neutral plate, test was done with 120 volts and 7 neutral plates with tap water, gas was ok, nothing to jump up and down about. i cant say much because i didn't measure the gas output. you can see the more neutral plates the less gas, BUT test was not done on conditioned or trained plates. and if the cell needs to take on a charge greater than its power source is delivering than the plates will have to be conditioned, and still this might not work. But i see great gas for the amount of power used in the future for you.
Question 4:
Shape of plates. I have seen some options for that. Square, like Bob did, and many of you guys out there. Or circle shape? Or triangle.
I have seen the wfc of Xogen on pictures as you all did. That rectangle shape is probably a good one. If you make the plates to high, the gas will be trapped. I prever a quick exit for the gas.
i would go with whatever is the easiest and most affordable. for me, i use square plates and i use tie straps only to hold the plates, No screws or anything, just tie straps. But you're using connections and your cell should be a test bed, for that it would use square plates with triangle pointed ends. this way connections to the plates for bruteforcing is much easier.
Question 5:
Usage of a waterpump? I like the Allgood project! Well done, sir. Very stimulating!
There must be some questions i didnt ask, so please feel free.
I will create here some topics for these questions so you all can go loose on them...
My question to you forum visitors:
Dont hold back on writing reply's. Any info is very much appriciated.
Lets make this a good one!
Good luck with that,,, maybe someone will take interest in your work, i know i will! i would be doing it with you but i have other test on my hands as you know.