So, I have been pondering the VIC circuit vs the water capacitor today and how electrolysis happens. Basically, electrolysis in water occurs when there is an electric potential of 1.48V across it. Once a DC voltage over this is achieved across the water fuel cell, we must conclude that the condition is electrolysis.
Now, what if the RMS voltage across the WFC doesn't exceed 1.47V? Well, we then have a charge building up on the cell. We end up with the condition we are looking for where there is a build up of a charge that doesn't cross the water barrier.
Now, what if the less than RMS 1.48V hits a resonant point between the choke and the capacitor?
I'm wondering if we're going about this all wrong. Meyer's indicated that the voltage across the WFC and the choke together could theoretically be infinite. However, to prevent the electrolysis process, the RMS voltage across the cell itself must be kept below 1.48V shouldn't it?
Further considering the resistances of the chokes that Meyers was always referring to; think about resistors in a normal circuit. Resistors of different values will have different voltages across them. Higher resistance equals higher voltage. If you have 3 resistors in series in a circuit being driven by 12V with the following values: 100K, 10K, 100K; the 100K resistors will each have 5.71V while the 10K will have 0.571V. If we apply this to the WFC, the chokes would need to have a high enough resistance to balance each other but also keep the applied RMS voltage on the WFC below 1.48V. Although we hear Meyer's refer to 11.8K in one scenario, this would have to be tailored to each configuration.
Anyone have any thoughts about this?