I would like to drop in for a bit. I'm sure you all now I've had many failed attempts, And a few of you here that knows me, knows I'll never stop work on the water as a fuel.
I would like to take a minute to Brief you before I step back out. You have heard Stan Talk about water is a fuel etc,,, right? I mean, you got to be outta your mind to think water is a fuel, Wrong! So how do we swing this new angle that has been seen, I mean even in the end you learn that the air you breath is also a flammable gas waiting to be lite, then why not does the atmosphere burn up? Well, lets just say that --- well
1. Smoke Point, anyone know what that is? It is the point at which it smokes, usually Blue in color when dealing with oils.
2. Flash point, Anyone know what that is? It is the point where a None Flammable Liquid like oil Flashes into a (Combustible gas.)
3. Fire Point, Well, you get the ideal, right?
Lets take a look at the Gasoline engine, it has a Flash point of -45F which means it can burn with a applied spark!!!!! Now that is one flammable liquid right!!
Lets have another look at Diesel, Now you try and light this liquid up with a lighter and you get nowhere! I mean its just not flammable. You add 124 degree heat source to this liquide and you get a flash point that creates a flammable gas, (it ignites itself) but a lighther souce is usuabl.
Now you should know that Kerosine has a Lower Flash point than Diesel. So it takes less heat flash Kerosine into a flammable liquid!
Running a Diesel Engien on Burnt motor oil, how is this done? Why can you run an Diesel on such oil, but you can not start the engine on it?
Well, you have to start the engine on Diesel fuel so you can use the heat off of the engine to heat the burnt motor oil to its (Flash Point) wich will then allow combustion! It doesn't take a big deal of heat due to how the engine is designed to heat it up. Remember you dont need a Igniter source to ignite these gases when you hit the fire point! So you can say its a bit tricky to run a diesel on burnt oil, you gotta know what you're doing or you want get anywhere. And you'll be in the dark scratching our head on why your neighbor can do it and you cant. Well he may know about the flash point, and he may not be telling you! Ever hear an oil filled heater Pop and , hint, (Crackle,)
The Crackle and pops can be mistaking for electrical arcks couldn't it?
So, you should have learned here that ----- (THE HIGHER THE FLASH POINT ------ THE LESS VOLITILE THE LIQUIDE.)
For example. Gasoline has a very low flash point where diesel has a very high one. You can see that one is more dangerous than the other right? And, Motor oil is even less dangerous than diesel! (YOU CAN TELL THIS BY LOOKING AT THE FLASH POINT) on the flash point chart.
Water is a Fuel!
I'm sorry to tell you that you've all be lied to lol, but here I'll lay the truth down for just you, and only you. Take it and use it and benefit from it please!.
Let me say that again, because that feels good.
WATER IS A FUEL!, stan found out this in that solar silo when he heated oils and the igited with now ignition source. He learned what a fire point was hehe.
SO, If water is a fuel, then what is its flash point? AAAAHhhhhh, this is where it gets tricky! Water has a VERY HIGH SMOKE point. The Flash point of water hasn't been released into the public, but its a well known and closely guarded top secret used at Area 51 today! The smoke point of water is known as steam or hot steam etc,,, there are different types of smoke points of water but most is common. The Flash point, and I said (FLASH POINT) of water - now listen to this, (ONLY EXIST) when a small amount of HHO is added to the Smoke point to trigger the Flash point. Water then becomes a fuel!!!!
So, a Diesel can run on Burnt oil if you heat the oil to a high smoke point where it starts to flash in the chamber, but what about water? Why cant you add water to a diesel running on Oil. Why cant you heat the water to a point to where it starts to flash and mix your HHO in there and create a fire point? Have any of you seen my videos where I show water hitting Fire points and burning them or have you not been paying attention? Check out my youtube channel for Burn points, and remember water only has such points when mixed with HHO unlike the others. and One More TIme.
When you add HHO you get
1. Smoke Point, Like all other fuels.
2. Flash Point, Like all other fuels.
3. Burn Point, Liek all other fuels.
That was NOT arcs that was heard in stans fuel cell, it was pops, and in stans self home heater it also wasn't sparks and crackes, he was hitting (Smoke points) because stan was Injecting HHO into the Smoke and causing a Flash Point lol, then a Fire point, he was using a (Burner) just like a Oil burner used today. The Lawn Mower ran off of a Gas called Water! Like it or not, Water is a Fuel (UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES.)
Chomp on that a while!, Till next time,,, catcha laterz, alagaters......