I created much high voltage reaching sparks over 15cm length with a giant trasformer i build once and it did nothing to the water...
If you input energy to a capacitor (plug it to a voltage source) it will charge up to the point it equals the voltage....
If you disconnect it nothing happens... if you connect it to a resistor the current density will begin at its maximum I=V/R
In a coil if you connect it to a source voltage it will induce a current to flow... this current is associated with the energy stored in the coil if you short the coil after charging it with current, this current will keep flowing in the same direction for a "long" time and only equal and oposite to the applied voltage sice current is now slowing down, now if you instead open the switch it will develop infinite voltage in theory!! because its only limited to the capacitance which is where the energy goes when the field collapses... since the current has no way to go, it becomes voltage potential..
normally this capacitance is the mosfet... which is the problem ever since to me..
The numbers are indicators... for example...
with the watts used and the frequency you can determine the discharge per pulse in joules... with this you know how many amps you need in the primary...
think of the two choke as a transformer or something like, the coils are in series (with a diode) and the middle point is where the mosfet goes, to one side goes dc the other to the cell and the other plate of the cell goes to ground... simple as that..
during pulse on the diode prevents conduction since the voltage is = and oposite in the coil thereto limiting the current thru the cell...
during pulse off the circuit become two chains where one raise the potential of the drain node in the circuit and the other chain lower its potential... since at the start of the discharge we can consider the capacitor dischrged and as its voltage can-t vary without giving coulombs to it we know that at the instant where the mosfet opens the circuit the circuit will discharge very fast into the water, sending all the power to the water.. except for that dissipated in the mosfet and coils...
You can call this power compress.. you can charge with 40 watts but discharging 40kw peaks! or more 40MW
because power depends on time...
do you see my point?