Author Topic: Theory - Voltage Control Circuit the Critical Piece to the Puzzle?  (Read 4022 times)

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First mini video:  voltage control set too low.   Frequency at pulse rate of VIC driver circuit.
Second mini video:  .   voltage control turned up a little. Frequency doubles as resonance appears
Third mini video:  voltage control turned up a little.  Voltage now doubling.
Fourth mini video:  voltage control turned up a little.  Voltage doubling disappears although frequency doubling remains.

It is VERY difficult to maintain the voltage control to double the voltage.  I discovered this when I hooked up a new set of chokes wound about 24 turns, 3 layers, 16 gauge home electrical wire.  I went back to my original chokes to try to duplicate and was virtually impossible!

In all cases where my voltage has been properly attenuated my gas production has appeared elevated.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 03:48:53 am by timeshell »

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Re: Theory - Voltage Control Circuit the Critical Piece to the Puzzle?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 10:18:32 am »
Hy TS.I'v build the simple voltage control setup from Tony.On the meter hooked to the cell it shows that it controls the voltage...but on the scope it shows that you can fine tune the resonant signal(mine was at a verry low voltage on the primary.Stan had to control the production somehow.On the vic cards i saw the voltage control knows had lock nuts on them,in manual mode i think.His brother shows the throtle control by might be something...

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Re: Theory - Voltage Control Circuit the Critical Piece to the Puzzle?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 13:34:24 pm »
the instant current depends on turns relation, such that if turns are = in both chokes and only one is used as charging means the current is half during discharge since the turn relation double...

if the vic is setup for 5 amps it will send 5 amps pulses it does not depend on load for a fixed freq, only max voltage achieved depends on that. if gated the number of 5 amp pulses can be determined...

i recomend a car or truck batery with alternator asways charging it to get minimuy voltage drop... 40amps squared times 200mohm is 320 watts meaning this is dissipated in the batery for 12x40="480"watts delivered out from it... actually considering voltage drop it delivers 4v 40 amps in that conditions so only 160 watts available....  is a bad figure....