My results for test on a 1 liter cavity where 1 psi is = to 1 liter of hydroxy is 6 liters a min, where stan produced 7. 1 one liter cavity was 5.75 ID and 2.3 Depth to = 1 liter. Also, my cell runs cool as long as i don't kick it to hard, and the hydrogen output looks great. Bigger gaps will cause the cells to run cooler, my gap is 1.5mm and i can tell when i'm using pulsed dc because the water temp hardly changes for a long while, if my gap was 1/8th like stans then id assume my water would stay cooler a whole lot longer, given that i don't see anything special at about a 20 min run without temp change.
you can get 5 volts at 2 amps when you pulse from 12 volts properly, normal alternator rotors pull anywhere from 3 to 7 amps.
at 4.4 amps per tube at 12.5 volts on one cell per 9 cells to = 500 watts, this would mean each cell with a 1/8th inch gap given its tube length would have to pull 4.4 amps, stevies tubes are much longer and he has problems pushing 3 amps into his stanley replica per tube, he pushes in a maximum of 2 amps per tube, myself, my 6 inch tall tubes containing a 1.5 mm gap can onlyUnder normal DC electrolysis pull 1.5 amps, Where using the alternator can cause each tube to consume as much as 7 amps per tube depedning on how far you push it. this is with using no additives.
All of my knowledge on this has came from over 16 months worth of testing just tubes, i say this because it is fishy that stans tubes was pulling 4.4 amps per tube, if i had to make a stan replica tube consume as much as 4.4 amps, im not sure i could do it. This is why i have progressed to plates, i've learned lots.
Hydrocars are you equating pressure buildup to gas production? If so thats not the correct approach.
Firstly Stan meyers cell is constantly holding pressure at 13psi in the video while it is idling the dune buggy.
Then please watch Meyers lighting the flame, the pressure needle decrases at a slow rate to around 3.5psi while he is burning tungsten and the scene cuts off to show a slow motion of the tungsten burning.
This is what people witnessed. Not just one but quite a few and they I am sure were not dumbasses
if you know what i mean. They did see that it was the alternator that supplied power and based on his gas prodn they did come to the conclusion it was OU.
Look I too have a cell and i leave a 1 litre gap and connect the cell to 24 volt (2 car batteris) straigth DC, I can see the pressure gague rising all the way to the 20 psi break point @2 psis ever 15 secs.
But I wont equate that to gas production as compared to stan. and then claim that stan was producing only 800cc or max 1 litre per minute. Please note stan was producing a lot of gas cause cause his pressure is constant when he is utilising the gas 13 psi to idle a dun buggy.
while he is burning a tall flame to burn tungsten, in the it runs on water video, the pressure is constantly dropping but at a slow rate. I dont think he was producing enough gas on that video to hold the pressure constant and burn tungsten with the tall hho flame for longer than 2 minutes. But I dont believe any one has even replicated that yet, because if it were possible either by you or by others on this forum or eleswhere, they would have either posted a video (10% probability) or would have gone commercial 90% probability.
The only ones I know who are utilising the gas while holding gas production to hold pressure are xogen and acquygen's denny klein and they are making money off it by selling out and i dont know if their method was similar to stans or if it was OU or just 80 to 90% effeicient electrolysis.
Regardless the ability to hold pressure and weld or supply heat or idle an engine at even 90% efficiency is a breakthrough in my opinion and my I am sure if STan was really producing under 1 LPM of gas people would have noticed a long long long time ago that STan was being delusional??? Thats why please read the first article in the independent testing report. Stan meyer is given category 4 rating
Hydro cars you and I well know at 500cc per minute production, the moment you open the valve you will quickly find the pressure dropping to zero because production is not sufficient to hold pressure to hold a constant flame and burn tungsten or weld metal or idle an engine?
To be fair the testing doc critique does not call stans method OU? However it states accurate representation of data. That means he did produce 7LPm @ 500 watts which is about 180% efficient which is OU