Author Topic: How Stanly Powered His alternator  (Read 84597 times)

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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #120 on: April 30, 2008, 03:07:36 am »

I use Azureus. You can get it at    IT works great.

But as far as the torrent that was mentioned, It appears to be "DOA"  :'( , Or maybe just because I'm from the USA, And many sites are pressured not to accept users from the USA.



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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #121 on: April 30, 2008, 03:20:41 am »
Water falcon

I tried to download my Meyers full data book, But it was to large.  But her is a link to get it yourself.

Hope you enjoy it


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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #122 on: April 30, 2008, 18:54:06 pm »
Kare Bill, Spike, Tommy and all those who do not have access to the mysterious file from which all those pics of stan's cell and Pulse boxes came from.... I finally found it after extensive browsing!!! That torrent link is crap doesnt work.

Its available for download at this site:

scroll down to the question:

Is the Stanley Meyer method OverUnity?

This doc has some awesome info on stans setup.  Its 88 MB and man this file has a ton of info including schematics and testing data and minutes of meetings with Admiral Griffin!!!!

Stan sure did get a lot of people interested...Pratt and Whitney even the Duke of Kent!!! But from the document its clear stan himself did not know exactly how it worked. I find it hard to believe he was denounced a fraud after all this!!!

Damn if I had this document a year ago, it would have saved everyone a ton of time and effort at least for me. 

 The site is also interesting in that they also think there is an acoustic component to a successfull Meyer replication.

Every one please NOTE!!! This doc is not the same as the Stan_Meyer_Full_Data.pdf. (Which is mostly stans convoluted and I think intentionally misleadig explanation of how his circuit works with tons of unneccessary forumlas etc etc)

Dont know how long this site is going to last so download it may be a bit was slow for me.

Okay now I have to hibernate and digest this doc .


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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #123 on: May 01, 2008, 00:53:30 am »
you just hang in there, there is much you don't understand! Soon this technology will be working with or without my help. either way its here! and its here to stay this time! don't target me because its going to happen regardless. ..

just for the record, stan did not lie, he tells the truth! allthough he can not help he makes you miss-unerstand stuff. Stan has told you everything you needed to know to make this technology work he just has his way of making you think what he wants you to think by telling the truth and he doesn't stop others from stretching  the truth either.

Its not stans fault that you have  misled yourself. maybe someday people will understand why it aggravates me to hear people screaming, Overunity OverUnity,,, and Its still not as much as stan can produce... well, thats because they don't understand the proccess,,, if they did then they would understand! It is not time but the time is near.   
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 00:59:36 am by hydrocars »


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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #124 on: May 01, 2008, 03:35:47 am »
Hey Katz,

Thanks so much for the document. And the site is pretty interesting as you said. I too will take some time to digest this information. Pretty interesting they mention things we have talked about  ;)

See you all soon, and yes Hydro, we all believe it is coming if not already here.


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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #125 on: May 01, 2008, 07:56:38 am »
I heard down the grapevine the info we need is being released in July.
Good source.

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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #126 on: May 01, 2008, 15:08:09 pm »
Well I'm new to this forum and am just catching up.  But I did find a site that has 12V DC to 220 - 240V AC converters.  Their not cheep though.  They also have 120V AC converters up to 6000 watts!  Check it out.


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Re: How Stanly Powered His alternator
« Reply #127 on: May 11, 2008, 18:07:05 pm »
we know he was using 12 volts and getting 2000 watts.