There's something I haven't seen being discussed any on these forums and that is the purpose of the 220 Ohms resistor Stan had in parallel with the Primary coil of his VIC Transformer. Anyone want to take a guess what its purpose is? ;-)
That would be protection in certain cases, but in this case, it controls the voltage multiplication limiting it to safer levels during switch off conditions... of course other means to protect the switch must be used too...
I pointed this out in many threads-- posts--- here..
When he talks about potential being possibly infinite if electronic components allowed it to happen he meant this.. i can only guess...
I can only add that open circuit do nothing other than burn components and coils... It were the only flaw in my previous theories.. .to those who read them in the past... not wiling to waste time to discuss further... just take a look at older posts if want...
In my primary i clearly see a doubled pulse when theres resonance... thats so because the chokes acts as primary when pulse is off... but there are two resonances when hiting it at 9khz other at 13,5khz strangely... where the second is a perfect sine wave
greatest peak is at 9khz...
could it be boyces longitudinal resonance?
Do you know the method for analysing potential in networks?
well i learned but is hard to explain but a must to understand how things go on. basicaly the sum of the potentials around a circuit must be zero. from that you can understand the stress across the components as function of time if you want...