I want to talk about a couple of things here. I've seen on many forums were people are talking about the WFC being over unity, but it's really not! Stan even says in his lectures that his system isn't over unity! He says many times that the WFC consumes between 3 & 5 amps, but its nothing compared to the power output of Hydrogen! like for example, lets say your WFC is consuming 3 amps @ 14.6V and its producing enough hydrogen to run a 4 cylinder engine. Now can you take that same 3 amps @ 14.6V and rotate the 4 cylinder engine? The answer is simply NO! There's really noway you could run an engine with that small of a current and voltage combination, but with a WFC and the hydrogen output at these power levels can! I hope you guess are following what I'm saying here.
I also want to talk about the PLL and exactly what the 4046 chip is looking for in order to "Lock-In" to resonance. Stan talks a lot about Resonance in his system and basically what he has built is an impedance matching systems (This can also be seen in Stephen Meyer's patents). When you build an LC circuit, you will get resonance at a specific frequency. You can also get resonance at Harmonics and Sub-Harmonics of this specific frequency. Some many be more efficient than others, but the concept is the same, Resonance achieved and maintained. OK, so let me get into the signal that the PLL 4046 is looking for. Pin 14 receives a "cleaned up", virtually perfect, square wave from the Feedback coil, while at the same time Pin 3 is receiving a square wave signal from the VIC's Primary coil. The signal from the Primary coil at all frequencies (except for the Resonant, Harmonics, & Sub-Harmonics frequencies) will be distorted and the PLL is looking for a prefect square wave to match the signal it's receiving at Pin 14. So, the only time you will get "Lock-In" is when these two signals are a perfect square wave and this means that the LC circuit and Primary coil are Impedance Match and the energy transfer will be at its most efficient point!!! Once the signal at Pin 3 and Pin 14 are matched, the PLL will lock to this frequency and out this single signal at Pin 4. When out of "Resonance", the signal's frequency at Pin 4 will vary/scan. This is the basic concept of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit and its function. I have included a couple of images to show the signal in "Resonance" and out of "Resonance".