It is a Proven Fact that when you run an engine on such a sparkplug like the one shown in my videos that the Explosive Behavior of the plug as the capacitor is discharged threw it causes the Mixture of gas, whatever that may be to burn at a slower rate down to a point to where if the voltage on the plug is Maximized to a peak then the gas will not combust! This could be due to the explosion taking all of the ambient air from the mixture before combustion.
It has been tested and it has been found that by Raising the Current flow at the sparkplug it lowers the combustion to the point that if you allow maximum current to flow threw the plug then there will be 0 combustion!
Hydrogen as a fuel can be slowed down to the rate of gasoline using this method! If you want to go faster you simply Decrese the firing Current threw the plug and if you want to slow down you simply increase the current going threw the plug! This is what lab test has shown!
Hydrogen as a fuel can be altered at the plug this way, we are now able to slow the burn rate down to that of gasoline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!