Author Topic: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!  (Read 36500 times)

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« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2012, 21:06:40 pm »
Must Hear this conversation!

Thanks for sharing!!!


Thank you for listening, and telling others about what you heard! And don't be under the impression this is how the bug operated. I am still unclear about what Charles seen, what he seen was not normal. You can not put 12 volts on Well water and use ss tubes to do it. Sit back, and think. The popping he heard was coming for the top of the water like a large plate cell would give off.. that's the way I understood charles to tell it anyhow.

Maybe Charles was told never tell everything, maybe he wasn't. This is where we use our own imagination! We have some questions that can not be answered.

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Re: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2012, 22:32:39 pm »
Based on my understandings, and based on my Past Experience with my fuel cell acidently sparking and Even more based on the Provided Audio tape I have came to this conclusion of thoughts.

Stanley Meyer used ONLY Clean water such as well or rain water, whichever was cleanest! He had the tubes set up with a 12 volt battery and it is documented on video that sparks was seen between the 2 inner and outer tubes visibly by Charles. Charles has no knowledge of this tech and no reason for lying about it.

Stan has somehow replicated the Kelvin water drop generator to cause the water to act upon itself! Just as a spark comes from a kelvin water drop generator there is a spark there between stans 2 tubes!

The conclusion is (This can not be done with 1 tube) and this can not be done with the wrong type of water!

Eye wittnes (ME) was able to (Catch) a tube type fuel cell Poping and arching and sparking just sitting on a shelf only after it was hit from the flash from a camera. Not that the flash had anything to do with the charge I do not know. They fuel cell was moist because 10 min's prior to the popping the container had busted, the cell was not submerged. IT somehow built up its own charge, or became charged to a point where arcs started to produce. There was power around the cell. Whats sad is I cant remember what sorta water I had put in the cell, I do not even know If it contained Baking soda or salt? I NEVER USED LYE it could'v been rain water, I duno cant remember. The water could have been very clean. It makes me angry that I can not remember! I made a video of it while it was popping and put it on youtube. But it got deleted over a year ago. (Maybe someone seen it?) I think I sent stevie some photos of the cell popping as well.

Stanly meyer MAY HAVE known a way to place a certain number of tube cells in a water bath containing an aluminum Container which could have attracted electrons, and he may have used a 12v car battery to cause such a setup to charge upon itself and start to arc between the tubes releasing the hydrogen and oxygen elements. Later on, this could have been done with a Plastic container and Alternator?

I think due to my investigations it will be worth while to go back and re test the tube cell with a Permanent ban on any water that shows contamination issues. Where rain or well water should be the only water used for testing. The setup I think should contain no less than 6 tubes.

It is unclear how the tubes can be charged completely submerged under water to the point where they will ark upon itself, But a witness reported looking down into the tank, (on the recorded audo) and seeing what looked to be Arcs between the tube. He also noted the Poping sound as he seen this arcing.

The water Clearly took on a charge, and clearly, every one of us has overlooked the arrangement of tubes and we have ALL over looked it by using tap water which was a mistake from the beginning.

In the end results, Where there are many ways to run a car on water, None of them appears worthy of contaminated water, not even the injector I posted. The only time Contaminited water or Normal tap water appears to be worthy is with normal electrolysis or where you put LYE in the water to produce a gas. There is nothing abnormal about those setups and they're old.

Clearly, Something has yet again, been overlooked. I suggest and strongly earge  everyone that wants to succeed to stir clear of contaminated water, (IF WHAT THE SAID WITNESSES IS TELLING THE TRUTH) and I believe they are!

This leaves me with this question, (Why Has Nobody Else Stepped Forward.?) Why are they hiding this from us? Too many people seen Stans work, There are still people out there to interview to get to the bottom of this.

Who has called Stephen Meyer, Has question been put to him? if so what does he say? Give me his number I will put ? to him! There is no reason for anyone to hide any of this work.

The water becomes charged, Or does it??? There is something missing, or is it??

This information is for you, I do not think I will be taking any more time testing this type of setup as I've spent 5 years on just this tube cell only to get to the point to write you this letter. Then Again, it may bother me so bad I may test it to its peak until I'm red in the face. I never know what I will be doing, I just do what I feel I am guided into doing by that force that sometimes gets put on me.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 00:27:55 am by Hydrocars »

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« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2012, 00:31:48 am »

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Re: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2012, 03:39:01 am »
My circuit was Published on 11/9/08 to power this injector and it works nothing like Gotolucs. Allthough they are similar in a (Small way) they are very much very different. The Date I published this circuit Gotoluc edited his circuit by adding a protection choke to prevent the bridge rectifier from burning out. I was not very pleased with his action on that (Not that his circuit pulled the sorta Current anyways) he didn't need such a choke. All though During the process of designing this circuit It cost me over 1 dozen bridges that I got tired of paying for!!!!!!. This is why I added the choke, I was going poor I had no choice! The Circuit I Published will more than Explode the bridge and it is not based on the capacitive discharge or the ignition coils primary like gotolucs circuit. If any of you remember, I uploaded videos here a few years ago exploding water out of a small medicine bottle. Not sure if stevie is able to go in there and find those or if they got deleted when I got very angry at the way everyone was working together and decided to remove all my work from all websites that I could possibly remove. Its sad, but you get pushed to that point sometimes!

My Circuit is based on the generated electro magnetic generation of 300 volts becoming condensed in a condensor invented by tesla Not to be confused with a capacitor, Its not a Freakin capacitor it doesn't store anything! where the condenser simply adds the 12 volts to the generated 300 volts to give you a 312 volt Primary coil voltage generated from a 12 volt battery, Unlike discharging a capacitor threw an ignition coil which lacks any condensate motion like properties to close any loops all power is lost and the generated Buck Boost conversion action is unseen and unused!

My Publishing was what follows BELOW on 11/09/08 which I can not help the fact thats the date gotoluc edited his circuit.

My Only circuit was a very simple one, it only contained (2 wires.) 4 years ago, This was the circuit that allowed you to connect any 2 wires to a Volkswagon Engine, or Any engine containing (points and Condenser like behavior) and convert water into GTNT, Thermal Explosive energy!

But yet, Both circuits Lacks a 3rd circuit, which is what I think stans VIC was. The Tesla coil simply isn't enough to perform up to the demand needed to arc under rain or well water which is what I think stans vic and the bobbins task where. Stan had replaced the points and condenser with a SLIGHTLY more powerfull system that allowed such an arc under the water. Once this arc under the water is accomplished, you can then add my 2 wire mod to the updated ignition circuit. This will allow you to get Thermal Explosive energy from water.

I have litterly Blown fish aquariums apart using this system, Like I said,,, We dont care where the power is coming from we just care that the power is there!!!

I am not trying to offend anyone, But my work in this ignition circuit should not be confused with gotolucs as they are very different in operation. Allthough, It may be that I have to add my circuit on top of his in the end... Lets hope those bobbins do the trick! If youd stop trying to produce hydrogen with them and start trying to create an ignition system you could boost me further ahead,,, ...

As of this date, 9/8/12 - there is no Ignition circuit on the market that will Spark a none resistive plug under water. IF you build a Ignition Coil that can Spark a Plug beneth the water (and it can be retrofitted to any current engine) then we can add my circuit to that! We can then use the above Gas gun I posted, In case you do not follow.

Our first goal hear is to build a hydrogen gas gun, and you are looking at the pictures of it right now. Here is a schematic I have not touched since the date shown on it!!!

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Re: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2012, 22:19:57 pm »
Thanks for sharing, Brain.

I have my pump and solenoids in the house.
Now i have to get me some more components, before i can setup a test setup...


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Re: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2012, 10:18:18 am »
I am not stating any facts here today, I am only sharing what I have drifted into. In the research of many years of Meyers work and also other areas such as electronics and the mechanical side I feel I have come about a suggestion to myself that you may or maynot want to hear come. There is no proof or reason for the following other than I do not want to Keep my earges hostage that I plan to Approach very soon!!

I have learned allot and seen allot, I have a strong vibe that SS was the metal to the solution to solve this energy problem, But also In search of missing components in stans work he never stated what was not included into the fuel cell he only stated what was. There is nothing wrong with Holding back a key component to prevent others from taking something from you.

Again I do not want to hold anything hostage, Or Make any claim whatsoever on the following!!!

Based on my research the Key Ingredient for production of HHO was Lye, Caustic Soda known as Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide! All though we was told Clean water was used and nothing was ever put in the water, That I have came to believe! Also, if you would have put LYE in any form in the water with Aluminum you would have created a Bomb! There has been children Die from mixing Foil and lye in glass jars and trying to throw it before Ignition with failure! Such mistakes have left glass embedded into the human body, There has been deaths by doing just that! Here in my state I've heard of deaths from it as well!!!!! Do not mix these 2 ingrediants together!

Behalf of Not using an Additive in the water theres no need to anyhow! Electrolysis of NaCi (Table Salt) from 2 SS electrodes Produce Lye! 

We know that even the cleanest water will contain (some trace) of Naci! Even if its a considerably small trace!

Once you Use 2 different electrodes (IN THE CORRECT POLARITY) it is like creating a (DIODE) and a Diode is Doped! We also can Create electricity from the sun.

In Mixing 1 SS electrode with 1 Aluminum Electrode we may just be able to create some form of Caustic Soda from the electrolysis process as a by product that is Usually left on the inner electrode as a WHITE FILM. Allthough!!!! Replacing the Inner electrode with an Aluminum electrode will not only create a (Diode Effect) it Could also cause an Infinite charge and even maybe sparks! With this out of the way, The Aluminum electrode can not store the Lye on its electrode it can only become consumed and after some time the electrode will need replacing.

I strongly feel the key component left out was the center electrode Identity. I know this will bring on an argument. But keep in mind, Even if both SS electrodes was used, You can also get effects by using an ALUMINUM TANK! There is much for you to consider here!

Also, The Mixture was indeed Thinned with 78% Nitrogen (Ambient Air) and (Steam) threw the Fuel gas processer which also was piped to the Exhaust Cooler Clearly Labeled in the Full Document.

Please Do Share my information.

(The Injector)
And a little note for the Beginners... The Reasoning for the SparkPlug fireing at its Tip, Well,,,, Sometimes the hydrogen going Go UP toward the Moon when the Compression stroke is sucking the HHO In! So when the Plug fires when at the top like in my photos its hitting an empty spot! This was PREVENTED by puting the Spark at the Acceptors Tip! Once the piston sucked the Gas into the cylinder head in my design, The Plug was too far away. You have to Inject (on top of the spark) not under it! thats a fact! Keep this in mind if you plan to design a plug for yourself!!!

Thats why stans electrode in his sparkplug was so long!!! He knew this!

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Re: TEAM WORK on Stanley Meyers Injector!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2012, 13:58:58 pm »
Brian. Remember the third wire discussion? Maybe thats the alu container!