This brings up an interesting point of discussion. As far as I understand. The High Voltage is driven by resonance, nothing else. Not the water, type of water, etc.
The performance of the cell (making HHO) is related to using REALLY HIGH voltage (again, opinion), but along the lines of Tesla and our power distribution system.
They use HIGH Voltage NOT for nothing, but for efficiency. The resistance drops significantly. Losses are reduced.
So, the thought of adding a resistor FEELS wrong to me. Doing this requires EVEN HIGH voltage to get where you are going.
Now, thinner wires, tighter coupling/winding of transformers. These things FEEL right to me.
Then there is IMPEDANCE, which is a bit difference then regular resistance. And this is where my knowledge ends.
High Voltage, Proper Frequency (resonance), and non alternate plate charges in the capacitor (although, something FEELS off when I think of this, and try to visualize a pendulum 1/2 swinging, but I have no proof) This is what I am studying.
Kirk Out!