Author Topic: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values  (Read 39193 times)

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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2012, 13:41:20 pm »
I've been able to get this wave form on my cell.  But it only shows as about 4 volts and I still don't have much production with it yet.


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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2012, 14:44:20 pm »
I've been able to get this wave form on my cell.  But it only shows as about 4 volts and I still don't have much production with it yet.

Do you mean top diagram Figure 4 below. Gated step-charge signal? My WFC produces only AC about 60V Vpp.


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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2012, 16:36:14 pm »
I want to stress that this vic can indeed work but as i said the tx5 coil should be able to restrict all the amps or a coil should be added in series with the tx4 coil but in a separated core not subjected to the pulsing... such that the energy accumulated in this coil balances the circuit...

The only difference is that this vic sends a negative pulse... except that as i said a coil is added in series with the tx4... 

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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #59 on: September 15, 2012, 02:44:35 am »
Please forgive me, if i insist, i just want help you to not make the same mistakes i did in the past...
Did you understood the coil polarity? Did you understood why it must be like this? Anyone else understood, (learned) how to determine the polarity of a coil in a given magnetic varying field?

Think of the most repeated argument meyer used, about electronic circuit...

I guess now its the time to public reverse my opinion about meyer process.. i always stated: its resonance thus it needs amps... but now that i think that i understood it, i got to report, its only high voltage but almost Zero amps. However I'm not saying there isn't high current on the process of making this. Nor that is low amps cause the resonance is about a high inductance and small capacitance... Is an amp restriction mechanism..

The high voltage is not the essence, the essence is actually the same of (conservation of momentum) two people pushing them selfs while sitting on ice, if both have the same masses, both achieve the same velocity for a given impulse. however if one has a bigger mass and the other a tiny one, the individual, with lower mass, will get higher velocity than the one with the larger mass for a given impulse. In this case, mass is or is what causes amp restriction, velocity is potential. So if you create a big mass reference, you can jump on space from it and achieve a higher velocity than it. However the important is that the center of mass will always remain at the same point!!! Major property!  R(position vector) * M (sum of all masses) = ∑(mi*ri) (Sum of all individual masses multiplied by its individual position... so R=(∑(mi*ri))/M

Is the same for electricfields...  They walk in the reverse direction of the electrons...

The bifilar chokes can't have 40kv between the wires, i guess this is obvious for all... This was what lead me to discover that stan was talking about opposing fields in the chokes and was for real...

The vic matrix circuit is the closer stan arrived from telling us the true... however he don't show the polarities in it.

The vic impedance network is there to confuse, as the amps are getting "restricted" only by the shorted turns segment of the choke... actually having this short circuited section, both orientations would do it teoretically ...maybe thats why he never used the polarities of the chokes on the drawings..(of course first of all protection) because first one should understand the reason of the polarities and than, that theres even other ways to restrict the amps...       

I owe you an apology sebosfasto for my previous post!!!  You are absolutely correct in this.  However, there is even more to it than this which I am coming to understand.  We need to discuss this.


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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2012, 15:39:09 pm »
I know was not that easy to glue all that info... Sometimes it takes a time to absorb...

Now I'm prepared to say...

If you read the fracture cell patent... this patent clearly states that the chokes are not a really good way to restrict the amps--- they use plastic...

So again my theory says this chokes will choke off the supplied voltage while allowing the potential to oscillate around a "center of mass" reference point-

What does the plastic in the fracture cell? isn't it the same? a drop in the voltage while allowing the electric fields to still there but avoiding faradaic current...

If you make a capacitor and charge it you create an electric field, a force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its potential energy and as such doesn't get consumed except by the leakage of the capacitor of course....

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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2012, 15:56:21 pm »
There is even more to it.  I think I'm on to something.


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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2012, 16:02:27 pm »
Real man here at work... 8) 8) 8) 8)

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Re: My 2nd Theory on VIC Chokes of different values
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2012, 16:42:19 pm »
The force can be screened by the ions as they will generate an opposite field that tries to cancel the original field... A dielectric will reduce this force too, according to its dielectric constant...

If you insert a dielectric in a charged capacitor its voltage drops and the electric field become weaker by k dielectric constant.

50kv mm is the same as 50MegaVolts/meter or 50 million newtons per coulomb...

Question once you charge your capacitor, and disconnect it from source,  assuming its ideal, how can you consume this potential energy? No way bro

You can only add other sets of charges internally in such way that the potential is diminished for say or increased,, externally things can be done to increase or to decrease it inside but actually what happens is that if you add another layer with opposite charges outside separated by another dielectric than the electric fields internally can be reduce to zero ... equilibrium rocks... but the charges on the outside plates will point electric fields outside the capacitor...

In a two plate capacitor ideally theres no external field!

I mean you get to capacitors one inside the other, you charge the outside capacitor and disconnect it, than you charge the inner capacitor with opposite polarity with the same charge that is at the outside plates. the charges of the outer plates now will point electric fields out of the capacitor...

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 17:17:03 pm by sebosfato »