Author Topic: How to build the vic tried and tested  (Read 57516 times)

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2011, 11:56:59 am »
I have just confirmed a earlier observation the iron primary induces over x2 more current than the same size copper primary. This has not been tested on a normal transformer just my vic with loose wound primary (leaky). I am not expecting much in replys so i will just say this, if you build a vic or anything based on technology like the 8xa circuit out of all copper you are wasteing your time, 4 years of building stuff that don`t work or of little use proves it.
Resonance has been a source of confusion with meyers patents. I have identifyed alterations in his patents and the use of resonance has been referred to in a number of places it should not be.
The resonance talked of in meyers wfc for example refers to the freedom of movement of hydroxyl ions in water that needs to be tuned into for high gas yield, this comes from a independent evaluation of meyers wfc.
So much mis-information about meyers technology for so many years has left people not knowing what they are doing.

Hi Spintronic,

Welcome here at ionizationx  :)
I can follow what your are explaining here.
Is it possible that you publish some pictures of your iron wire tests? Maybe scope-shots?
Would help others a lot with getting an idea on what you are researching.

One question from me is about your statement to tune into the hydroxyl ion.
First, my idea was that in such setup, to tune into the H+ ion and not the HO ion.
Maybe you can explain why you choose the HO ion?


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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2011, 16:48:32 pm »
What kind of iron alloy are you using for the wire?

Soft magnetic iron wire seems to be hard to find.

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2011, 00:20:11 am »

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2011, 00:52:16 am »
Hi stevie and mr h2o

I can see what your saying, i shall sort something out. All u need is a large enough ferrite core or grain oriented silicon steel core, machine your spools and populate with iron wire. Only the primary is a critical winding and a problem. I will post a few pics of what i am useing and a circuit diagram.
Heres a link for some iron wire, its not ideal but works and is cheap (about £2.50 for 40 metres). Garden wire and others like it are a bit naff. or the other just posted
Pure iron should give best results, but yes i agree it`s a b*tch to find and when you find it the cost is £75 for 5 metres so thats simply not happening for me.
Does everyone get the spintronic science as far as meyers technology is concerned?
The wfc document explains how the chemical reaction works, not sure it answers your question stevie, the document was released well before meyers death and appears unaltered and would be difficult to alter haveing never been held under national security. Resonance is not used as current restriction in the vic as implied in the patents, it is used to trigger the explosive gas release. The details of the chemical reaction are beyond me  :(
before i clear off the 8xa circuit, if i wind a primary first on each spool (single layer) then on top of each primary wind the other coils, secondary and so on, i believe i have the basis of his older technology, what do you think stevie?


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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2011, 02:44:37 am »
Spintronic articles relates to nano science it`s nano techno babble, with a little patience we can piece together usefull information.

Spin-polarized currents flow well in magnetic materials, but when they enter non-magnetic materials the electrons begin to lose their spin polarization in a process called spin-flip scattering.
copper (non magnetic) is crap.
This covers the boys that first proved the spin orbit theory
Spintronics is an advanced form of electronics that harnesses not just the electrical charge of electrons (as in conventional electronics) but also a property called spin that makes electrons act like tiny bar magnets
This is the one we like

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2011, 03:32:09 am »
I wound a quick and dirty 8xa bifilar with paper coated garden wire about as big as my fist, sloppy for sure, on a 1"x 3" iron powder epoxy mix core.
result...  more gas than ever before at 10 volts and 5ma and not much in the way of high voltage spike...  clean looking square waves out..
this meyer thing may get interesting again, lol

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2011, 03:44:15 am »
Thanks for the iron wire source.  $4 airmail and 4 roles at 40 meters each for a grand total of  $8.97, on the way, in for a dime in for a dollar.. chuckle

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Re: How to build the vic tried and tested
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2011, 04:31:57 am »
i should get shares in that bas**ard company ;D  there must be one similiar in america
find a easy way of getting that primary wound perfect for me dude, the vic has to be zero amps out.
no bends,kinks or twist in the magnetic field of the primary. it needs to be compressed and as you wind your coil on the spool and compress it one part will push down further than the other causeing a bend in the wire. It`s a pain in the arse.